Chapter 2

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hi friends- seconds part yayauayayauayayayayaya I really do love to write so please vote and share❤️ much love


"Hello?" I said as he picked up the phone.

"Hey, you know it's 1 in the morning." He said. I sniffled trying to hold back my tears. "Is everything okay?"

"My brother, he stopped breathing and were at the hospital now." I said letting go of all my tears. "I don't want to be alone."

"I'll be there soon." He hung up the phone. I looked up to see Lucy walking in. She noticed me and walked over. She sat down.

"I know everything will be alright." She wrapped her arm around me. "I'm going to get us some coffee, okay?" I nodded as she made her way to the other side of the waiting room walking down a hallway soon disappearing. 10 minutes passed when I looked up to see Harry walking in through the sliding doors at the entrance. I didn't hesitate 1 bit. I stood up and ran over to him. Wrapping my arms around his lower body and he did the same around my upper body. My face was buried into his chest when I let go of everything. My eyes rushed with tears. Nobody could hear me but him.

"Shhhh. I know it hurts." He said kissing the top of my head. I let go of him just to grab his hand and lead him over to the couch. Lucy was standing by the couch watching all our moves. Harry sat down on the couch next to Lucy. The couch only sat 2 people so I stood in front of them. My mom leaned over to Harry to say something.

"She needs you right now, thank you." Lucy says hugging Harry.

"Of course!" He said hugging back. Harry motioned me to come and sit on his lap. I walked over and plopped down. I sat on his left leg and rested my legs across his right. His big hands trailing up and down my nicely shaved calfs. My head rested on his shoulder. His hair tugged back into a little bun. I admired his mussel tank and sweats as I fought to keep my eyes open. A nurse walked out and looked around.

"Lucy Miles?" The nurse said. My mom got up and walked over to her.

"Oh no." I said letting out a deep sigh.

"You don't know anything yet." Harry said looking at me. I looked at my mom noticing her face slowly drip down. She came over and sat down.

"Sweetie." Lucy said. I looked at her in the eyes. A couple tears came down from her face. "He has to go into surgery." I looked at her not saying anything. "And it's not 100% that he will make it. But if we don't put him through the surgery things could escalate really fast. You can go in and see him now. Harry you're welcome to go as well." I looked at Harry. He nodded his head. We both stood up. The three of us headed to his room. Ava was standing outside of his room. Lucy stood by Ava.

"You two go in." She said. Harry and I walked in hand in hand.

"Hey poops." I said looking down at Austin.

"Hi peeps." He said coughing.

"This is Harry. " I pointed to Harry.

"That one you sometimes kinda talk about a lot?" He said stuttering over his words. I laughed before responding.

"Yeah, this is him." I turned about to see Harry smile.

"Hey bud, this surgery is going to be a piece of cake. You'll be better before you know it." Harry said. I gave Austin a kiss before me and Harry made our way back to the waiting room. We sat down in the couch. Lucy and Ava came back out a few minutes later taking a seat in two chairs in front of us. Ava and Lucy grabbed hands. I slowly laid down and rested my head on Harry's lap. My legs pulled into my body. Harry combed through my hair not knowing I was slowly drifting to sleep. I felt a warm kiss on my forehead. I opened my eyes to see Harry. I had turned my body around so I was facing his stomach.

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