54. Taxi

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"You want to stay" he says with a concerned look.

"I mean yea. Unless you really don't want to be here" you say curling your lip inward.

"We can stay I just have to avoid my dad" he said with a snort.

"Sounds like a plan" you said following him down the steps.

You guys walked to the bar and Logan bought you both drinks. You talked for awhile about your jobs and stuff and genuinely just enjoyed each others company.

"Come on I'll introduce you to some of my cousins" he said as you both finished your drinks.

You both walked down a long hallway to a back room with a bunch of men smoking. You quickly got out of there and entered another small room.

No one was in the room but there was a small screened in area that went  outside. You walked over to look at the view and Logan followed.

"I thought I would show you this before my cousins whisk you away to talk about me and try to embarrass me" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

You laughed and put your hand on the screen. There were rows and rows of beautiful flowers, kind of like Max's parents house.

"Thanks it's beautiful" you said admiring the view.

He slowly slipped in front of you and put a hand on your waist. He started to lean in when you pushed him back. "Sorry Logan I don't like you like that" you said looking down.

"Are you serious? Why did you come then? To just use me?" He shouted suddenly.

"What no I was just coming with you as a friend. I didn't meant any harm by it" you said stepping back.

"Fuck that, I deserve a kiss" he said taking a step forward.

"You DESERVE a kiss? After everything we have gone through? You dont even deserve me as i friend. I should have never forgave you, but i did" you said putting your hands on your hips.

Logan balled up his fists and took a deep breathe. He took another step forward and pushed you back. You stumbled backwards and landed on your back.

He left the room quickly mumbling to himself. You leaned against the wall and stood up. You straightened yourself out and made your way out of the room.

You shamefully walked past the men smoking and they were giving you dirty looks. You were pretty sure one of them called you a whore but you kept walking.

You walked out into the main party room and spotted Logan already talking to a group of men. You had to walk past him to get out so you didn't look at him.

When you got close enough he purposely turned and pointed. "There's the stupid bitch that tried to throw herself onto me".

The group of men laughed and Logan smirked. You balled up your fist and your face got red. Without hesitation  you swung your arm back and clocked him right in the jaw.

He fell back into the group and you put your hand up to your mouth realizing what you did. You saw security coming down the steps towards you so you started running towards the door. You ran down the steps and kept going till you were down the street.

Once you caught your breathe you stopped and leaned against a stop sign. You rubbed your eyes and began to walk. It can't get any worse.

But it did. After walking about a mile it started to rain. Hard. You weren't even close to the city yet and your feet hurt.

Mixed with rain, hot tears were streaming down your face. You longed to be home, in bed and out of the clothes you were wearing.

Just when you had lost all hope you saw a bright yellow car in the distance. A taxi! Thank god.

You waved your hand frantically for the car to stop. It slowed down a few feet in front of you and you got in.

You told the driver where to and leaned back in the seat. Luckily  there was no traffic and you got home in no time.

"How much do I owe you" you said reaching into your hand bag.

"No miss it's fine. I can see you're already having a hell of a night, go home and get some rest".

You smiled and thanked him as many times as you could while getting out of the car. You shut the door and walked into the apartment building.

Gripping the railing and your handbag you slowly made your way to your apartment. Before opening the door you wiped your tears and sighed.

When you opened the door the lights were on and Joji was stepping out of the bathroom. You closed the door and sniffed. "Hey" you said in a small tone while heading to your room.

"He- shit (y/n) what happened" he said rushing over in front of you. You shrugged and tossed your handbag on the table.

He put his hands on the sides of your arms and bent down so he could see your face. "Baby what happened?".

You looked at him and immediately started to tear up again. He wrapped you in his arms with your face against his chest.

"Come on lets get you cleaned up" he said grabbing your hand and walking you to your room.

He helped you unzip your dress and take your shoes off. You dried your hair with a towel and sat down on the bed.

Your whole body ached and you wiped the makeup off your face with the towel. Joji disappeared into the kitchen for a minute only to come back with a warm cup of tea.

You held it with both your hands and took small sips. He crawled on the bed and hugged you from behind.

"Tell me what happened" he said rubbing your back.

You explained what happened starting all the way back to the fair. He stayed quiet the whole time but you could tell he was getting mad because his grip on you had tightened.

"So now I'm just really sore and really tired" you said wiping some stray tears.

He sighed and you both laid back onto the bed. You turned around to face him and put your head on his chest. He pulled the covers over both of you and pulled your body closer.

"Princess, I love you with all my heart and I won't let anybody come for you. I don't care how much damage they claim to be capable of, I'm never leaving your side". He kissed the top your head pushed some hair out of your face.

You let out a a small sniffle and mumbled "I love you too". Soon you were both drifting off to sleep.

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