Strange love

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This book is about Romance. Enjoy! - @123victoia

* This story is written in first person *

Chapter 1

"Wake up," my mom whispered into my left ear." "You don't want to be late on Marathon Monday!" She said under her breath. I did not want to argue with her so I got up, brushed my hair , brushed my teeth got dressed and put in makeup and ran down stairs.

Since we are not one of those "fancy suburban family's" for breakfast all I had was Cereal and a glass of o.j.. Once I was done the phone rang. It was my dad he was working a police detail directing traffic on the blocked off roads for the Marathon. He said, " Would you tell your mother to stop obsessing over her makeup and get her butt down here by the gas station!" so I did what my dad and yelled at my mom to get her ass going. As I was about to say we will be there in a few minutes my dad hung up the phone.

Next we went in the garage getting our lawn chairs and putting them into the back of my moms car. Moments later we where there trying to walk thorough a mob sport crazed spectators trying to find my dad on his detail. Once we made it out alive we found my dad who gave me a Big hug and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek. I was a teen-girl who likes to get things moving so Right away I put down my chair next to some random lady. After I sat there for a little bit waiting patiently for the runners to come through I got a text from one of my best friends Taylor

which read: "Tori! Where are you Kayla and I are wondering?!!"

So I said, Good Morning to you too Tay! I am at the gas station where my dad works every year." Tay: ummm...which gas station there are more than one in this town.

Me:" The one by the D.Q. Intersection why?"

Tay: Because Kayla and I want to meet up with you later. That okay?

Me: Ya that's fine! What time?

Tay: How about after this thing is over considering we are on the other side of the town!!!!

Me: Okay.

Tay: my mom Kayla and I will pick you up later tonight for Dinner.

Me: okay see ya love ya bi

Tay: love ya bi!

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