I Am Enough

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The girl, a simple fan going through a very difficult time in her life, was walking down the dirt path. She was wondering to herself if any of this was worth pushing through anymore, or if she should just end it all. She was thinking to herself, "I'm not special. I'm not famous or rich, I'm not beautiful or tall. No one loves me. I'm all alone." She covers her face with her hands as the tears come, her stride quickening until she was sprinting, farther and farther away from her family, her friends, her life.

It wasn't worth it. Not anymore.

She sobbed violently, terrible words of hatred and disgust bouncing around in her head, threatening to overwhelm her. It was too much to bear. She wasn't strong enough, not anymore. No one could help her. Many have tried, all have failed. The memories of her awful past, the worries of what her future may hold, no one could erase them. Not really. They would always be there to torment her, reminding her that her life, in an infinite universe filled with people better than her, didn't matter. She's a tiny grain of sand on a beach, a drop of water in the ocean, a speck of dust in the air. She was no better than anyone else. If anything, she was worse.

A root caught her foot and she fell, pain shooting through her side as she landed. Instead of getting up, she curled in on herself, welcoming the sharp lances of agony coursing through her injured arm. The pain felt good, much better than the blazing fire in her heart, constantly reminding her that she's nothing. Her breath came in ragged gasps, interrupted only by another sob. That was it. She couldn't handle it anymore. Pulling herself onto her knees, she drew the knife from her pocket, flipping it open to gaze at the shining blade. Fear gripped at her, but the overwhelming desire to end it all was stronger. Her body shook with every wave of tears, the gleaming metal tool inching closer and closer to her wrist.

"It doesn't have to be this way, you know." A voice from behind her made her jump, the knife slipping from her quivering hand. Her head whipped around to see a tall man with shoulder-length, nut-brown hair and beautiful eyes. The gorgeous green pools were filled with understanding and seemed to stare into her soul. He stood leaning against the trunk of a tree, his arms crossed at his muscular chest.

Instantly her fear slipped away. She knew this man. She had looked up to him for so long. She just didn't expect him to be here, at this moment. "W-Why are you, how did you...Why?" She stuttered, sniffling.

He smiled, just for a second, and stepped closer. He sat down beside her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and gazing at her with those stunning, crystal eyes. "This-" He gestured toward the knife in the dirt. "Is not the answer to your problems. I know you have no reason to, but trust me. You are worth so much more than you could ever imagine. You are special in so many ways, and it would break the hearts of everyone you know if you did this, even if you don't think so." Being careful around her injured arm, he pulled her into a hug. She felt his muscular arms around her and in that moment, she felt safe. Like nothing could hurt her. In that moment, all those terrible thoughts that had been ridiculing her didn't matter. They held no sting anymore.

"You mean so much to more people than you give yourself credit for. You are special. Never forget that. Just keep fighting.

"Always Keep Fighting"

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