Societys Beautiful

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Here are things society THINKS beautiful is. Compared to what beautiful really is to me.
1. Your collar bones have to show
2. You HAVE to see your ribs
3. Thigh gap
4. Not too tall or too short
5. Flat stomach or abs
6. Amazing hair
7. Soft hands
8. Beautiful colored eyes
9. Plump pink NOT chapped lips
10. Acne free
11. You have to be popular or a petty cheerleader
12. You have to know your place in the world
13. You can't be a tomboy, you need to be a girly girl
14. Clear, non-freckled or birthmark less tan complexion
15. Long not frizzy or greasy hair
16. Fake.
MY beautiful:
1. Being yourself
2. Not trying to be perfect
3. Not trying to be like anybody else
Society doesn't decide if you are beautiful or not. You do. Make a change. Be yourself.

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