Yuno Gasai x Shy! Fem! Reader

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(Y/n)=Your name
(E/c)= Eye color
(H/c)= Hair color

Yuno's POV
..Yuki...he broke my heart..
I felt my eye twitch as memories of Yuki flooded back into my mind.
I slammed my hand onto my table, got up and started to run, a knife in my hand.
I soon bumped into somebody and made sure they couldn't see my knife.
"Sorry, I gotta go!" I yelled as I rushed off.
"Wait! M-Miss....!" The girl I had bumped into called after me and started to chase after me.
"Y-You forgot your p-phone..!" She stuttered out.
Dammit! My diary!
I turned around and snatched my diary from the girl.
(A/n: If you don't know, I'm referring to her phone as her diary because that's what it is also.)
"W-Where are you going, miss?" The girl asked.
I didn't want to be rude to such a cute girl.
"Oh, I was just going to see a....friend. Yeah, um, so what's your name? I'm Yuno." I smiled at the girl.
"O-Oh...I-I'm (Y/n)..." The girl had a faint tint of red on her cheeks, how adorable!
"So where are you going?"
"To see my b-boyfriend at some store. You could come if you want!" She smiled and offered me.
'boyfriend' I don't know why...but it killed me hearing that...
"Oh, and by the way, Yuno, I'm in your class!" She smiled and giggled.
How come I didn't notice her? She's so beautiful with her (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.
"And sure I'll come with you!" I smiled and grabbed her hand, tightly gripping it.
Her whole face flushed red and we walked to the store.
She told me that her boyfriend would be waiting for us near the entrance but we didn't see him so we started wandering around the store.
(Y/n) teared up and I looked at what she was starring at.
I guess it was her boyfriend kissing another girl.
(Y/n) snatched her hand away and ran off with her head in her hands.
I walked up to her boyfriend and grabbed his shirt, and pulled him away from the girl and to the bathroom.
"Hey, not so fast. I don't just hook up with any girl." The guy said.
"You wish you could hook up with me." I said as I pulled my knife from my pocket and quickly stabbed him then went into the bathroom to clean myself up well smirking.
I heard a chocked sob from the bathroom. (Y/N)!
I quickly opened the bathroom stall door and slammed it shut.
I rushed to her side, sat down and wrapped my arm around her.
"It's alright....he'll never hurt you again....I promise..." I smiled at her as she snuggled into the crook of my neck, the last of her tears sliding down her cheeks.
I gently grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at me.
"I love you, (y/n)." I didn't wait for her response...I didn't even know if she liked girls! Yet I kissed her...and she kissed back.
I slowly pulled away for air.
"I...l-l-love y-you too, Yuno..." She panted out.
I smiled and hugged her tightly.

How was that? I love Yuno! She's my waifu, she just doesn't know it yet....SHE WILL BE MINE!!! Hope you enjoyed!

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