Chapter 7

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(Hey guys! I am soooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in a LONG time. I know not a lot of you are even reading but I owe you an explanation. There is not much to say exept that I have put it off and have been really busy. I will do my best to start updating as much as I can! You also might want to read the last chapter again before reading this one so that you don't forget what happened last hahaha!)

We walk into her house and I feel uncomfortably welcomed. It smells like vanilla and coconut and the walls are coated with beautiful pastel colors. The shelves are neatly decorated with picture frames containing memories that I miss. Trips to the beach, birthdays, Holidays, I long for more of them but my hopes of that ever happining have  vanished.

Audrey locks the door behind me, breaking me from my day dream, causing me to jump.

"Oh, sorry," She smiles, but it soon fades once she gets a close look at my face. "What in the world happened to you?!" She whispers in a paniced tone trying to stay quiet in an attempt not to wake up Allie. I stare at the hard wood floor in embaressment because I know she's talking about the dried blood stained on my face.

"Russel hit me again," I mummble. She shakes her head in anger and disapears into a hallway, the toddler still in her arms. 

Is she mad at me? She can't be, what did I do? But then again you don't have to do anything to get punished, Russel has tought me that.

Audrey comes back without her daughter. She leads me down the hall into a small bathroom. In it layed out is a wash cloth, some sort of creme, and a box of band aids. Wait what? Before I can put to much though into it she gently wipes the damp wash cloth across my fore head and down my cheek.

When she reaches a spot above my eye brow it stings causing me to cringe. 

"Ooh, you ok there Amelia?" She asks with a concerened look painted on her face. I nod and she picks up the ointment and dabs it where my cut is. Finally she plants a band aid above my eye brow and gets up. "All done. You can stay on the couch I'll have some pillows and a blanket out for you. If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask-" I cut her off

"Thank you." Is all I say. She opens her arms and I return the gesture by giving her a hug.

"You don't need to thank me. I am here to make sure that you stay safe." She says quietly with my head tucked in her shoulder. "We can keep your bird in the garage for tonight and we can go get it checked out tomorrow." She says while picking up the band aid wrapper and putting the cap on the ointment. I agree and walk back to the living room. A few minutes later Audrey walks in with a large blanket and a pillow. "Here you go." She yawns.

"Thanks." I smile back. 

"Well I'm going to head back to bed. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow considering I just kidnapped you." She chuckels. I laugh as she heads back down the hallway.

I lay down and let my eyes fall shut as sleep envelopes me into a deep slumber.

My nose wakes me up when it smells the sweet smell of bacon. At first it reminds me of the past and makes my eyes fall to the floor, but then I decide to welcome it back in. Mmm, bacon. My thoughts are interrupted by Allies soft voice being projected across the house.

"More pancakes pleeeeeaaase!" She sing songs. I get up to go investigate the delicouis smell filling my nostrils.

"Morning Amelia!" Audrey happily greets. Before I can answer her daughter speaks.

"Amelia? Like with an A?!" She asks, excitement laced in her voice.

"Yep." I assure. She gasps. What? I don't get it.

"Three A's! Me; Allie, mommy; Audrey, and you; Amelia!" Her little toddler voice forces me to grin ear to ear and she giggles. Wow now that I think about it, this is probably the first time I've been even remotely happy since mom passed away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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