Chapter 37

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Hi everyone, Alex here. And another chapter hits the Wattpad! Hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Not sure if it is your thing, but I have a second book series going: "Troubleshooter" Slightly different genre, more thriller, more action, more violence. Check out my free Troubleshooter teaser novella stories here on Wattpad! ("Trouble at Christmas" and "Private Trouble"). If you like to read more, head over to your favorite eTailer and purchase the full length novels "Troubleshooter" and "Troublemaker".

MRS. OTIS TOOK an unexpected call the next morning. She stuck her head into the workshop and announced, "A Mr. Cornelius for you on the phone."

I went into the store and picked up the receiver. "Thomas?"

"Yes, Calendar," his voice made my heart beat faster, as usual, fear, hate, love or all of the above. "I had some late luck with your inquiry regarding that computer specialist."

"Can you call 212-555-6572 in about two minutes?" I interrupted, "I don't want my assistant to hear all about my love life."

Click, Thomas hung up without hesitation or asking me to repeat the number. So nice to deal with professionals.

I went out, crossed the street and headed over to a row of public phones. And indeed, a minute later, the left phone began to ring. I sat down on a flower container and picked up.

"That was a very tough cookie. That guy knew how to vanish and cover his tracks."

"I hope that your choice of words indicates the futility of his attempts," I responded.

"Futile it was," Thomas replied. "Hans Polter did some very nice double backs when he did his cross country tour to get lost in big anonymous America. He had several identities prepared, also stole some electronic money from bank and brokerage accounts of co-workers. My sources were able to learn his current identity and believe it or not, he is in your neighborhood."

I found myself glancing involuntarily over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't sitting on the bench in front of the post office. I wrote down the new address and name of Mr. Polter, thanked Thomas without telling him any developments in our common case and hung up.

An hour later, Mundy and I drove east toward Orange County.

"You think it will be dangerous to talk to him? Maybe he is of the violent type?" Mundy was his usual tenderfoot self.

"I only want to find out what he knows about the break-in and the murder. If he cooperates and nothing comes out of it, we can leave him alone. If he smells fishy, we leave with an excuse and call the police."

The map directed us to a nice apartment complex close to the Crystal Cathedral. I parked and we made our way toward unit number 25.

"You are very optimistic that Mr. P. is at home," Mundy said.

"Half-full, that's me," I knocked on the door.

We strained to hear what was going on behind the apartment door. After some faint rustling and creaking, there was a voice, "Who's there?"

"I want to talk to you about the break-in at the Altward Gallery," I said quietly. Mundy flinched at my direct choice of words but they seemed to have the anticipated shock effect.

After a moment of stunned silence, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"I am...  a private investigator," I said as I made a face at Mundy, what can you do, that was the first thing that came to my mind. "... hired by the...  insurance agency. I only want to talk to you, hear your side of the story. If everything checks out, no police will be needed."

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