water Uh oh!

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Meeting and my little "brother" was sitting in a bench near the water fountaining. I swear this water is bringing a nostalgic feeling. Some how flashes of me and Daniel appeared in my head. We were both playing in the fountain.

"Mya?" Noah called breaking me out of my thoughts.

I touched my head at the because of sharp pain shot in my head.

"Mya?" Noah called again "are you alright?"

"Yeah" I said looking at him ignoring the pain. "I'm fine"

" Look" he said " I think we've gotten off the wrong foot"

You think? I finding out you have a brother you never knew isn't a good feeling.

"Yeah we did" I said. "But like I came back to change that"

He looked at me and smiled.

"So...how about we start off with Hi I'm Mya'' I said holding out a hand

"Hi, I'm Noah" he shook it.

"Whens your birthday?" I asked.

"April 15" He said "you?"

"December 14" I answered.

"How old are you?" He asked

"20" I asked "you?"

"17 " he answered

We sat there for what felt like hours. Me and Noah really have a lot of things in common. I looked at my watch to see what time it was.

"Okay" I said standing up stretching "lets get you home'

"Why?" He asked

"Because unlike me you have school" I said.

"I'm home schooled" he said standing up.

He was only at little taller than me.

"Why?" I asked furrowing my brows

"Well" he began "dad wanted me to be I guess so I could focus more...also he has an artist teacher come by and help me with my drawing"

"You draw?" My eyes lit up.

"Yeah, I swear I thought I told" he smiled

"No" I pushing him lightly "what kind of drawing you do?"

"Well I kind of everywhere with comic, sketches, I'm working on my portrait some how I always draw people nose bigger than it is" he said

"Well Mr. Picasso let get you to your dad" I patting him on his back

"He's your dad too" he said

When he said that I couldn't help but state into space for a little while...but I eventually broke out of It

"Hey you hungry?" I asked

He smiled and nodded his head

"Okay" I smiled "lets get you something to eat."

As we walked back we saw Jess and Marianna at the entrance of the park.

"Looks who finally back"  she smiled.

"Yeah" I said smiling

"It's about time " Marianna said looking at her nails "did call your dad Noah?"

"No my sister going to take us back" he said.

"Oh" she said trying hide the disappointment with a smile "OK"

"But we're going to stop by and get something to eat first" he said.

She just smiled and nodded.

We all got into Jess car and headed to get some food. We all Decided to get something from in and out burger.  As drove through the drive thru Jess stared to look at herself in the mirror.

"I need to get my hair done" she said

"What salon you go too?" Marianna asked.

"I go to Kami's" Jess smiled.

"Ohh she's OK"  Marianna said  "I can give the card to the girl I go to"

My mouth went agape as  we drove up to order. I  was waiting any moment for Jess to try to clamped back.

Me and Noah told her our order.

"I would like a veggie burger" Marianna said "I'm a vegetarian"

"Oh you can't handle your meat?" Jess said making a that sucks face.

"No, I just wanna be healthy" Marianna said

Jess ask for what Marianna wanted and they took it.

After taking our food we headed towards Bobs house. It didn't take that for us to arrive there. The neighborhood didn't look all that good. The house we was in front of looked OK but from how Noah told me. I didn't they live in a bad neighborhood. How'd did Bob afford his homeschooling and artist teacher.

"It was nice to meet you Mya and Jess" Marianna said  getting out with Noah.

"Wait!" I yelled

Noah ran back to me.

"Let me give you my number" I said.

He gave me his phone and I started to type my number in. I have his phone back.

"See you later?" I asked

"Sure" he smiled

Then me and Jess started to drive off.

"That bitch tried me" said slapping her stirring wheel.

'what?" I couldn't help but laugh

"She was throwing mad shade at me" Jess said

"No she wasn't" I said "she was just saying"

"Just saying my ass" she said "she so lucky "

"Jess stop" I sad

"I can give the girl I go to number" she said imitating Marianna. "Mya here's a lesson you got about attention to how these girl being slick dissing right in front of us"

Suddenly Jess phone ranged.

"Hello?" She answered "what!?"

"Okay...okay we are on our way" she said.

"Wassup?" I asked

"Tt...her water broke" she said

"Okay" I said staying calm.

"That's not just It"  she said " Ray said he think that something might be wrong with her pregnancy"

"Oh no" I said


I know guys kind of boring I just had knock off the cob webs and stuff lol... sorry if errors



Your truly 💓

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