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There always must be balance in the universe. It's one of our fundamental laws. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When you jump, you come back to earth. Of course there's more to it than that, however accept the analogy. For every force of good, there is always going to be a force of evil opposing it. It's how the universe works, and it's how us as human beings operate. But what about when we delve into our emotions? For example when we feel happy at one point, are we predetermined to feel sad in the future, or are we able to combat this feeling with more happiness? Possibly I may be observing it wrong. Maybe emotion goes through a cause and effect cycle. Stimulus A happens so you begin to feel emotion A.  This is generally true, however are the roles able to be reversed? Is it possible to interchange? For example if you feel depressed, then most likely you will do activities and actions that will keep you depressed. Emotion A, depression, is dictating what you do, and how you conduct your day. Likewise if your happy, then you will tend to do actions that make you happy. If you can recognize what actions you take when your happy, would you then be able to in a sense beat the depression? Would you be able to force yourself to be happy by doing things that depressed you wouldn't?

Just a thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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