Practice makes perfect

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" Okay ladies that's a wrap and don't forget we perform tomorrow ,be here 30 minutes before the game " Audrey's voice boomed through out the field as she was about to leave she look straight at me " And don't be late !" She practically screamed and she made her way to the locker rooms with the rest of the team following her like a lost puppy .

I sigh and pick up my bag and began my walk back to beast castle to help clean and cook with Mrs Potts .


" Ben honey wake up " " Ben wake up " " BEN WAKE UP !!! " my mother yells nearly at the top of her lungs " I'm up gezz " I say as I rub my eyes " You don't have to yell " I sit up to face my mother .

" We are running late , now hurry up Ben the car is waiting for us " I look at her with the most confused face in the world " For what there's no more meetings " I responded still confused " Well you did promises someone that you would be at a cheer performance " my mother finishes with a duh tone .

I let everything of what she said sink in then five seconds later it hit me " Mal!!" I gasp I jump off the bed searching for my clothes " it's in the bathroom " my mother informs me " thanks " I yell as I sprint into the bathroom " I will be waiting for you in the car with your father " she says as she heads out of my room .

5 minutes later

I hop out of the hotel with an double chocolate muffin in my mouth as I struggle to put on my left shoe wobbling into the limo . " And that's suppose to be our king " my father teased as the limo peeled off .

" okay how far are we from the school ?" I ask my parents as I ate the chocolate muffin
" not far maybe 5 miles away " my father answer first as he opens up a news paper and begins to read.

" wait if we are 5 miles away from the school then how come we didn't head straight to the castle?" I ask so confused " Louis was tired so we stop so he may catch some sleep he had been driving for 20 hours non stop " my mother answer firmly.

" okay so when does the game start ?" " at 11:00 " father answers as he continues to read " so what time would we get there ?" My mother looks up from her book and looks out the window " at the speed that we are going I say around 10: 50 and not to mention the time it takes you to get to the field " my mother finishes and goes back to her book .

I check my watch 10:45 I sigh in frustration lets just hope so


I run out of the lockers room coughing "those girls use way to much perfume " I managed to cough out " poor you " I looked up into the bleachers to see Evie handing me a bottle of water I gladly accept it.

" have you seen Ben " I asked Evie as I place the cap of the water back on the bottle
She gave me an sympathetic look " I haven't seen nor heard of him ,sorry m " she says
" it's fine I'm going to go stretch and talk to Jay and Carlos ,see you later E and thanks for the water " I walk off to get ready .


I jump out of the limo and started to sprint towards the tourney field , the closes the limo could bring me towards the field was in front of the beast statue so without anymore explaining I'm sprinting.

I past the dorms and lockers and past the gym finally I reached the field where the tourney game is a minute before half time I made it I let out a chuckle and run to the bleachers where a cheerful blue haired girl cheered on for her brothers .

I run up the bleachers towards Evie only attracting a few people and made my way towards her who continued to cheer until the whistle blew signaling half time .

" hey Evie " she turned around to find me sitting on the bleachers next to her trying to catch my breath " Ben you made it !!" Evie squealed " Mal is going to be so happy " she squealed again .

" ya I hope so because I just ran from the beast statue in the front of the school " I breathed out " want some water " she ask me handing me the bottle .

30 seconds later

"Please welcome Auradon prep Knights Cheerleaders " the announcer yelled into the microphone as the crowd cheered .

All the girls came running out and onto the field and got into position and right away I spotted Mal in her cheer uniform looking like a nervous wreck .

" Go Mal !!!" Both Evie and I yelled capturing Mal attention in an instant her face lit up as we made I contact for the first time in a while .

  " see I told you she would be so happy to see u " Evie said as she nudge me " ya can't wait to see her perform " and on que the music started and the girls started their performance .

  They did a cheer dance number while Mal did a back hand spring and other flips , tricks and flying in the air a couple of times and finished by joining the rest of the team in a pose .

Both Evie and I scream " that was so cool " I yell over the crowd of cheers " I know right she was amazing "   Evie does the same as the girls exit the field the game returns wow fast half time .

Game endings:   visitors : 25 home : 26

   I ran as fast as I could towards the field where many students were heading  to celebrate with the tourney players on their big win . Once I reach the field I scanned the crowd to see where Mal was at .

  " Ben ,Ben!!!! " Mal screamed as she ran past people I honestly couldn't help but run towards her and call her name as well I know wow another typical romance scene but I couldn't help it .

  " Mal " I breathed out and right as she was in my reach I placed both of my hands around her hips and pulled her close to me as she place both hands on my chest and we both slowly leaned in and passionately kisses each other without a care in the world of who was watching .

This chapter contained 1109 words
Hope you like this chapter I will probably update later on today



Problems Can Be Solved (Bal Story)(Sequel To I Notice Your Problem )Where stories live. Discover now