Just In

Beneath Your Window by Crookshanks.x
 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Romance & Humor, Draco M., Hermione G., Words: 89k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 432, Published: Jun 10, 2007 Updated: Jun 6, 2008
 1,044 Chapter 11: The Visit
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling. Want to know how I know?... I would never have written that epilogue. (I would never have been able to write that amazing book either, but that's a different story)
Chapter 11 / The Visit
"No way.""I swear to Merlin and all his house elves I'm telling the truth."
She looked at him in amazement before shaking her head, having a hard time disguising her disbelieving smile.
"She honestly cornered me in the store demanding to know when our next date was."
As she tried not to gloat too much, she ended up snorting with held-back laughter, hunching over the casserole standing between them on the table. They hadn't bothered pulling out the plates. It turned out he was rather lazy when it came to dishes, and it seemed easier to just stick two forks in the caserolle, and voila. It was charmingly disordered.
"We had every nosy pair of middle-aged eyes on us by the time she was done telling me off... Hey, stop laughing. It was dreadful!"
"See, this is why I don't date," she exclaimed, pointing her fork at him with a slightly amused glint in her eyes. "It's just a whole lot of misunderstandings and expectations not being met. And not to mention the embarrassment."
He rolled his eyes. "It's not that bad. Plus all the bad dates are forgotten once you really connect with someone. If you don't try and fail, you will never know what it's like to succeed."
She watched him with raised eyebrows as he chewed meticulously.
"Since when did you turn into the never-wavering optimist?"
"I believe it was around the time you turned into a grumpy, old prude."
"I am certainly not a grumpy, old prude," she called indignantly, reaching into the casserole for another taste.
"Come on," he laughed, one of those rare occasions where his strangely perfect teeth showed. "You don't give any guy a chance. You've condemned dating without ever going on a real one, and you haven't had any fun in ages."
"How do you know how much fun I've had?"
"Oh yeah, when's the last time you got some?"
She gaped at him as his shoulders shook with amusement.
"I... That is... You... hmpf!"
She glared at him in indignation as he smirked smugly, enjoying his sweet victory.
"It's not like I'd run from my trainwreck of a relationship and straight into some...some... booty call."
Her glare grew fiercer when he guffawed at her comment.
"Stop laughing at my, you buffoon."
"You said booty call," he chuckled, shaking his head repeatedly. "I never thought the day would come... the glorious day when I would hear Head Girl Virgin Extraordinair say booty call."
"Well guess what," she snapped, putting her lips into an unintentional pout. "Not so virgin anymore!"
"Shame." He grinned, digging into the casserole again.
She watched him bend forwards, a lock of blonde hair falling into his eyes as he reached down. He pursed his lips together and rubbed them slightly against each other in a contemplating look as he studied the food they had managed to whip together somehow.