A Day in the Life of a Bum

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A Day in the Life of a Bum © 2016 by cheeky_rose. All Rights Reserved. | Wattpad.com

Dedicated to XxSkater2Girl16xX because of the inspiration and being an inspiration. Hope that makes sense. :P


10:09 a.m.

Jim woke up. As usual, the light escaping the blinds were very deadly for someone who slept not until 3 in the morning.

He yawned, immediately having the need to pee. So he did.

When he was finally out of the bathroom, he gauged the mess his one-bedroom apartment was in. Again, as usual, there were bottles, cans, and styro meal containers cluttering his carpet. He sighed, trudging the clothe-ridden floors and grabbed himself the milk carton and blindly took a box of cereals from one of the cupboards.

It was a while before he finally saw a usable bowl for him to eat. He poured the milk and then the cereal and ate.

10:19 a.m.

As Jim cleaned the bowl and slurping the excess milk, he glimpsed at the wall clock fixed on his rather faded wallpaper.

He had to go to the usual place to grab lunch before going to work. Well, by work he meant bagging groceries for people. It was just his luck his former classmate and still best friend's dad owns the place. If not, well, maybe he'd be stuck in the streets by now.

He did not bother cleaning up the mess he'd accumulated for the past six months he'd been here. After the fight with his mom, he can't really go back to her house. And, yes, you heard that right, he was previously staying in his Mom's apartment six months ago.

Sure, a lot of people were giving him disappointed looks while pitying remarks for his mother, but hey, free lodging.

10:45 a.m.

He fought a few times if he'd better get ready now, as he was lounging in his sofa, flicking from one useless TV channel to the next. He glanced at his phone, seeing nothing but the time, which just pissed him off. After what seemed like a very intense glaring at his phone, he sighed, propped up from his comfortable and slack position and headed to the bathroom again.

11:00 a.m.

Jim faced his mirror which was strategically placed on his door. He wore a white shirt and the faded slacks Terrence had given him months ago.

He combed his hair, just trying to be decent-looking for once. And, as expected, the neat and prim looking Jim wasn't really him, so he ruffled it a bit, hand-raking most of his black-brown hair to the left.

Knowing he didn't really need anything but himself, he hurriedly took his keys from the hook by the door and grabbed his grey jacket, slipping into his loafers.

This was how James Potter's day usually started. With him rushing to his work, or rather, the Chinese restaurant where he had to get his lunch no matter what.

11:25 a.m.

Jim had no means of transportation, and he is broke. He walks to and fro his workplace which was at the end of the little town, taking him more or less thirty minutes of walking. A smile made way to his face when he finally saw the Chinese place. He slipped into the drive-thru space.

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