Emerald Eyes

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Draco sat in the library, attempting to study. Attempting, because he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

Finally, it became too much, and Draco's quill stopped above his parchment. He looked up, scanning the room, and his eyes locked onto another pair. The pair that had been watching his every move for the past fifteen minutes.

Those eyes had watched as he came in and plucked a few books from the shelves. They had watched as he huffed when he couldn't find the book he was searching for, and sat down at a table. They watched as he had scanned the books in front of him and scribbled hastily on his parchment.

Now they watched, unblinking, as Draco's eyes latched onto them, and widened in shock. Draco tried to hold their gaze, but they were so intense, he had to break away.

Draco looked down at the table and stared at his parchment, he could still feel those eyes boring into him. He bit his bottom lip as he tried desperately to focus on the essay, but he had to look back up. He was startled to see that the eyes that had been gazing into the depths of his soul -that's what it felt like to Draco, at least- had darkened, and were now staring unashamedly at his mouth, where Draco realized he was still biting his bottom lip. He looked back into those eyes, the dark emerald pools that were boring into him, and barely suppressed a surprised yelp when the owner of said emerald eyes smirked and rose from the table.

The person made their way to Draco's table, never taking their eyes off of him. Draco found himself mesmerized, unable to look away as they reached his table and leaned over it, steadying themselves with their hands on the table on either side of Draco as they peered into his eyes.

"Hello Malfoy."

Draco was caught off guard by this, and stuttered a bit in his reply.


Harry's smirk widened into a grin, and he suddenly stood up straight again.

"I need your help with something, come on." Without waiting for a reply, Harry turned and strode out of the library.

Despite his attempts to brush off the odd encounter, Draco found himself glancing at the door to the library several times, before he finally gave in and left, catching up to Harry.

Not that he needed to do much catching up, because as soon as he turned the corner into the corridor, he crashed right into the very person he was following.

Harry only smirked when Draco mumbled an apology and turned, not doubting now that Draco would follow him.

And he did. Draco followed Harry through numerous corridors, up several flights of stairs, and through even more corridors, until they finally reached the seventh floor corridor.

"Alright, what are we doing here? You said you needed my help with something?" Draco asked. He knew, obviously, that whatever it was is in the Room of Requirement.

Harry didn't answer, so Draco waited, while the other boy stood there with his eyes closed, evidently concentrating.

After a few moments of this, a doorway appeared in the wall, and before Draco could say anything, Harry had pulled him through it and slammed the door after them.

"Alright, seriously Potter, what do you want?" Draco asked, secretly cheering at the fact that he was now alone with Harry Potter. I mean, who wouldn't be? Practically the whole school wanted to sleep with him, but Harry had never seemed to show any interest in it.

"I told you," Harry started as he turned back around to face Draco, "I need your help with something."

The smirk that bloomed on Harry's lips was a bit unsettling to Draco, it seemed so foreign on Harry.

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