
53 6 2


Emily Ellison

I watched with enthusiasm as Sam climbs up the apple tree and shift from branch to branch.
I grinned as I mentally curse him, hoping he to fall off the tree.

He plucked a few red apples and placed them into his pocket before slowly advancing down. He started to climb down but failed as a tree branch snapped from enduring his heavyweight and he fell down, slamming his face against the wall.
The impact was huge, causing me to worry as I rushed towards him.
"Annndd he fails," I commented gleefully as apples rolled out of his shirt pocket.

"I did that on purpose." He grinned sheepishly as he touched his red face that took a huge impact during the fall.
I pulled him up as I spat, "Yeah right."
"Alright, fine, you got me." He raises his hands in defense and shot me a gleeful smile.

We rolled and laid on the grass as we looked up at the dark starry night sky. I glanced over at him, his blue eyes twinkling in the moonlight.

I loved the night skies in Destiny, always full of vibrant colours sort of like; blue, pinkish, purple, and others. Stars twinkled merrily of different colours of the rainbow.
My favorite is always the constellations. They were often rarer to spot.

"That's the Gemini constellation, it's also my star sign," I say as I directed to a row of stars creating an image of a pair of twins.
"It doesn't look like a Gemini." He scoffed and I shot a sharp glare at him.

"It does."
"Not really."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Sam." I snapped. "Look, that's the Castor." I was going to give him a long lecture about the constellations when he interrupted me.
"Yeah yeah, and that's the Pollux."
I raised a questioning brow at him. "How do you know?"

"I'm smart like that." He smirked to himself smugly.
"Funny." I pushed him back onto the ground as I heaved myself off and trudged through the long weeds back into the house.

He chuckled lightly as he walked alongside me, keeping a steady pace.
"Come on, you have to agree with that." He argued jokingly as he kept his proud smirk.
"Nu-uh. Can't make me." I taunt as I started sprinting towards my bedroom.

I thought I could outrun him due to the headstart but boy, was I wrong; because running alongside me before turning into an absolute blur and re-appearing again, leaning onto the door was, Sam.

"That doesn't work on me, and you know that." he chuckled as he raked a hand through his messy blonde hair.
I curled my full lips into a slight pout as I walked into my bedroom.
"Aww come on, I'm sorry." He says as he continued chuckling to himself.

I rolled my eyes in irritation. "Apology not accepted," I replied as I continued to pout.

Suddenly, his face shone a flash of seriousness as he pushes me onto the wall and leans against me, palms touching the wall.

His deep blue eyes stared intently into mine and our eyes locked. He smirked as he whispered into my ears, "Admit it. You can't win me. I'm too good."
It left chills down my spine as I bit back an annoyed sigh and folded my arms.
"What now, genius?"
His smirk immediately changed to a frown.
"You know, you could let me have my moment."
"Not a chance." I grinned as I pushed him aside and lay on the carpeted floor.

"Hey. One day, if we ever got separated.."
"Don't ever forget me. I'll try my best to find you again."
"What makes you say this sentimental crap?"
"No reason. Nothing really... I just... saw... some bad stuff."
"Like?" I scoffed. " Is it like the time you saw your poor pet fishie die?"
"Hey! Don't diss Timmy! And also some could be real..." he stopped and released his hands.
"But could you.. just promise me?"
"Whatever, fine, I promise, you dimwit." I giggled as I spat my tongue out.

That was a few years ago before Destiny got attacked and was taken over. The "Destroyers" came over and ransacked the entire planet, taking control of the place and exiling people out. Of course, many were killed in the process as people fought against them to protect our homelands.  
However, we lost. In a panic to save the people, the guardians ushered kids and their guardians into the escape pods and we landed on a planet called Earth. 
I never got to see him again, And I don't know even know if he's still alive. But I will always remember the promise we made that day. 

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