Chapter 17

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Author's Note: Time to go back in time! This scene takes place about six months after Christian (who was 21) first met Ana (who was 18) at Harvard. They've just left Harvard together so he can start GEH in Seattle.

With his psychiatrist poker face firmly in place, John Flynn scribbled down a few random observations on his notepad in illegible handwriting.

"So now we're up to Ana."

Christian couldn't mask the broad grin that lit up his face. It was the first time in over two weeks of seeing his mercurial new patient that Flynn had actually seen him smile. Up until now, their appointments had consisted of delving into Christian's dead mother, the unspeakable abuse he suffered as a child, his unease at being adopted into the "perfect" family, his phobia about touching and the older woman who'd introduced him to BDSM at age 15 and who helped him continue the lifestyle with a string of subs after he officially ended their unconventional "relationship" at age 18. Now he was 21 and back in Seattle following a stint in Harvard, where he had met the 18-year-old girl who'd upended his entire outlook on life.

"How did you two meet?"

Christian struggled to contain his ear-to-ear smile as he grew nostalgic about the moment he first encountered those piercing baby-blue eyes. "We bumped into each other on campus, literally," he reminisced, closing his own eyes at the memory.


"Why the fuck do I need to redo a 20-page paper on the origins of capitalism when I know more about business than that washed-up economics professor who couldn't hack it in the real world? I can't wait until I get out of this motherfucking hellhole," Christian grumbled under his breath as he barged into the library — just as a frazzled young girl came barreling out.

The subsequent collision caused an explosion of books and flying papers.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Christian muttered, looking down at the debris below. Begrudgingly, he bent down to help the girl pick up her books when he was met with a pair of incandescent blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry," the woman said, intimidated and flustered by the irate man in front of her. She fought to sweep a few wayward strands of hair out of her face while he resisted the urge to help her.

"I'm an incurable klutz. I should've been more careful. At least I didn't walk into a brick wall this time around," she said in a breathy voice that made his dick twitch. An embarrassed pink flush colored her cheeks as she busied herself gathering up her belongings to avoid the man's intense gaze.

"That's alright. It's my fault. Here let me help you." Christian collected her scattered papers while trying to collect his scattered wits — and get her attention. Look back up baby. Let me see those eyes.

He scooped up the papers and handed them to her, a jolt of electricity coursing between them.

"Thank you. That was very kind of you." Kind. That's not exactly a description I hear every day. "Sorry again," she mumbled distractedly.

The discombobulated woman was barely able to fold her arms around the oversize stack of books before darting off toward the dorms, leaving Christian blind-sighted. What the fuck was that? Leave her alone Grey. She's not exactly sub material and you don't fuck with college girls.

Before he could finish the thought though, instinct propelled his legs in the direction of the woman stumbling down the sidewalk, weighed down by an overstuffed backpack and a pile of books balanced precariously on her hip.

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