LLC (Lucy + Lauren + Camila = Laucila)

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Summary: Fifth Harmony are about to head out on their 7/27 tour across the world. Lauren Jauregui reveals some news about Lucy Vives that has Camila Cabello shook. Three girls have secrets, but when they come out, will they be able to handle the truth?

One Shot

Let's play a game. See if you can find all the tracks off of the 7/27 album, including all versions as of today, 08/15/2016. Can you spot 15/15?

I hope you're satisfied with who is endgame. ;)


"So, I have some good news that I'm really excited about."


"Lucy is going to join us on the bus during the tour. Just like last summer."

"That's... great!" Camila said halfheartedly. Kicking herself mentally when she noticed the lack of enthusiasm in her voice.

"You don't sound like you really think it's that great, Camila." Lauren said, crinkling her eyebrows and partly frowning at the brown eyed girl.

Camila shifted her weight uncomfortably and trained her eyes on something other than Lauren's intense stare.

"No, sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way. It's just that..." Camila trailed off looking for something to cover for her distress.

"What is it, Camz? You can tell me." She hesitated for a moment. "You barely talk to her anymore, what do you have against Lucy?"

Camila couldn't help but give out a soft nervous laugh. "Fuck." She cursed, almost inaudible, while shaking her head. "Wow, you just asked me that, didn't you?"

"Sssshit." Lauren hissed out. "Camila... What's happening?" Her green eyes widened in shock from what she started figuring out about the situation before her.

"Damn it!" Camila's arms flew up in the air and came back down quickly into her lap. "You know, don't you?"

Lauren raked a hand through her dark hair. "I have an idea but I don't know for sure."

"I guess I might as well put it out there." Camila looked into the depths of Lauren's beautiful green orbs. "I shouldn't say this but I've been bottling it up for so long." She suddenly stopped, having a lack of courage.

"Go on. I can tell it's something that's eating away at you. Just tell me. Be honest with me. I can take it." Lauren encouraged her as she placed a reassuring hand on Camila's knee, giving it a light squeeze.

"I really don't think I should. I don't want to mess things up." She began to wring her hands together, her anxiety blatantly evident.

"Fine. If you don't say it, I will. You still have feelings for me. Right? There it's out in the open, now. Does that make it easier for you to talk about?" Lauren laid it out with such ease.

Camila took a sharp intake of air as she ran a hand through her long hair. That's only part of it. She had an urge to say it out loud but she couldn't bring herself to reveal anymore. Instead, her nerves overtook her and she panicked. "Alright, you said it. Now it's out there and we both know. Good, discussion over. I need to go." She got up from the hotel bed they were sitting on and started to make her way towards the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Lauren jumped to her feet.

"Back to my room." She answered as she opened the door.

"But... " Lauren pleaded, not able to get another word in because the door had already clicked closed.

     Upon entering her room, Camila blindly made her way through the pitch black, forcefully threw herself onto the bed and face planted her pillow.

LLC (Laucy + Lucila + Camren = Laucila)Where stories live. Discover now