Inanimate High

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A/N This story is about the sons and daughters of objects :) The way I did the names was took the name of the object parent at changed/ took parts out. Eg- Balloons daughter is called Lou :) and they're human. Enjoy!

Lea's POV

"See you mum!" I called. "Bye Lea! Have a good day!" My mum smiled at me, her green eyes sparkling as usual. I shut the door and walked down the street. "Hey Lea!" I saw Ember following me. She's been my best friends ever since primary school. My mum is best friends with her dad, Firey. "Hey Em." I smiled. We were starting a new school. It's pretty exciting. "So, you excited?" I asked her. "Yeah! I just hope I'm not in the same class as Penny......" She grumbled. Just like their fathers, Penny and Ember hated each other. The amount of times they slap each other is unbelievable. "GUYS LOOK OUT!" An Irish voice yelled. We knew the drill. We jumped aside, and a boy with light blue hair crashed into a signpost, his skateboard rolling backwards. He sat up and shook his head. "That.....was......AWSOME!" He yelled. "Oh Buster, you really are a character." Ember pulled him up. He really does take after his mum. Clumsy and Irish. He grabbed his skateboard and walked along side us. "This is gonna be so cool." He said. "Hey guys, were here!" I called. We all walked along the corridor, looking for room twenty eight. We were told it was our new form room. We were all together in the same one, thank fully. We found the room, and read the list of people in out form

Lou (Ballon's Daughter)

Yasmin (YinYangs Daughter)

AJ (OJ's son)

PJ (Paper's son)

Oak (Woody's daughter)

Bow JR (Bows daughter)

Ted (Tennis Ball's son)

Sam (Suitcase's son)

Tara ( Test tubes daughter)

Nicki (Nickel's daughter)

Gemma (Golf ball's daughter)

Izzy (Ice Cube's daughter)

Lea (Leafy's son)

Ember (Firey's Daughter)

Penny (Coiny's daughter)

Buster (Bubble's son)

Bonnie (Bomby's daughter)

"Oh no! Not Penny!" Ember cried. Buster walked forward to push the door open, but tripped and slammed against the door, knocking it open. I just kind of stood there, Ember was still ranting about Penny, and Buster lay on the floor. "Hello....." I said awkwardly. Everyone was staring at us. Suddenly, a really short girl with electric pink hair jumped up. "Hi!" She yelled, extremely enthusiastically. "Bow, calm down!" A boy with orange hair sighed. "Lea!" Izzy ran up to me. "Hi Izzy!". She pulled me along to a seat, and I sat down. Ember sat next to me, and Buster behind me. I looked around, trying to guess who everyone is. I already knew Oak, Ted, Gemma, Izzy, Buster, Bonnie,Penny and Ember. I tried to figure out who everyone was. I knew who Bow Jr was, and I guessed the boy with orange hair was AJ. That's about at far as I got. A tall women walked in, and sat in the teacher chair. "Hello children, I'm Miss Jenn, and I am your form tutor. Everyone seems to be here, so were going to do some ice breakers. Everyone sit in a circle." We all pulled our chairs round into a circle. "Ok, so were going to go round, say your name, and something about you. Let's see..... Lou! You start." A girl with red hair stood up. I noticed a few people rolling their eyes, or sighing. "Hi! I'm Lou, and I like swimming!" She sat down. She seems nice enough. A girl with electric green hair lent over and whispered in my ear. "Never ever trust Lou. Mum said that she's just as bad as her dad. Oh, by the way, I'm Tara." I whispered to her. "I'm Lea. Thanks for the heads up." We sat upright again. She smiled at me. The next person stood up. It was a boy with White hair, with hints of red and blue. "Hey! I'm PJ, and I'm kinda scared of dolphins." This made Oak gasp. She was basically the female version of her dad. He sat down again. We went round the other people. I either already knew them, or they were boring. It wasn't until we got to the last girl, that I was interested. She stood up timidly. She was quiet unique looking. She had white hair, which faded to black at the end. But what really got me, where her eyes. She had one white eye, and one black eye. I know it happens, but the colours are not usually that different. Tara looked slightly worried. I heard Nicki whisper to Sam. "I sure hope she dosen't blow.... I know her dad couldn't control it, my dad said." I wondered what she was on about, but I didn't have to for much longer. "Hi... I'm Yasmin.... And I like werewolf game?" She squeaked. It sounded more like a question. Suddenly, her whole posture changed., a look if anger in her eyes. "Oh no...." Tara muttered. "I said Zombie games! I KNEW YOU'D MESS IT UP! Ugh!" Silence boomed round the room. It's almost like she was a different person entirely. "I'm... I'm sorry!" She cried quietly. "You better be...." The angry voice growled. She sat down, almost crying. "It's likes shes....." I whispered. "Two different people? Yup, that's basically it." Tara finished my sentence for me. I slumped back in my seat, amazed. Wow. "So, your first lesson is Scie-" "YES!" Tara lept up, and punched the air. Everyone stared at her."Oh, sorry. I got a bit excited." She sat back down slowly. A ripple of laughter went round the room. "Ok, as I was saying, the first lesson is science, in lab 1." Everyone grabbed their bags and flocked out the door. Well, there's certainly some characters in this class.....

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