Name Aqua rivers.
Age 16
Zodiac Aquarius
Date of birth 13 Feb 2000
Royalty or commoner: royalty,she's the princess of the Aquarius kingdom.
Ability(based on elemental sign) air manipulation.
Chinese zodiac dragon.
Appearance(I'm using my picture,u can use any picture you want or just describe the appearance)
Personality. She's sarcastic but caring.She is a humanitarian by nature and a unique princess.She loves animals and wishes for peace between the kingdoms.
Relationship status. Open
Weakness claustrophobia.
Strengths. Archery,sword fighting.
Extra. None at the moment.
The zodiac kingdom(a rp)
RandomSo there are twelve kingdoms separated from each other. Water and air kingdoms do not get along and Earth and fire do not get along. Air kingdom has an alliance with the fire kingdom and the water and Earth kingdoms have an alliance. Ofcourse there...