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* flashback *

two guys pointing a gun
at my fathers head who was kneeling down. "daddy! no!" 6 year old me yelled.

one guy held me tightly.

"I love you princess." my dad yelled quickly.

"POP BOOM!" the gun sounded.
"daddy daddyyyyy!" i hysterically cried out for him. 

it stabbed my heart seeing him lay on the ground. blood trickling down his forehead.

two guys left me there with my lifeless father's body. my mother nowhere you be found. alone.

i laid there by his side for 2 days. someone banged on the door. i didn't dare to open.

they immediately broke the door down. there were many cops. two came over to me. they looked worried. they saw my dad's body and took him away.

i was brought to an orphanage where i spent 13 years of my life hoping to have someone adopt me.

someone did. it was a picture perfect family. almost to good to be true. 1 mom, 1 dad, 1 girl, 1 boy. oh and a dog.

they treated me nicely until rumors spread about my situation. someone has been looking for me. those people that killed my father.

they soon returned me back to the orphanage. i then turned 18 and it was time to go. they gave me some money and a job.

ever since then, ive had my own apartment in manhattan ny. im now 22 years old.

and im being hunted down by my fathers murderers.

- ive decided to do something more interesting for dgorddd and my gordon girls! so hope you guys like this bo0k. ❤️

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