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"Kid~❤️" Sonoko exclaimed through the phone to her best friend Ran
"Kid? Is he after another one of your uncles jewels,"-Ran
"Yes he's after the Tear of the Fairy Mermaid, Jirokichi bought it last month to lure him out, he finally sent a note this morning. Tell that kid that her service is needed as Kid Killer."-Sonoko
"Who? Angelina? "-Ran
"Yes who else? Anyway...."

~*~Conversation Skipped~*~
Because I don't like girlish conversations even though I'm a girl...

"Just do it," Ran pleaded with the girl
"No, never,"she replied with such ferocity that Ran looked taken aback for a while
"But it's only a dress," she tried to persuade Angelina
"Exactly how am I supposed to catch Kaito Kid when I'm worried I might trip over a piece of cloth and get tangled into a trap," Angelina said with obvious hate for the piece of cloth

^///^While in another place^///^
' Sonoko I hope that kid gets hell I had to ask my uncle very hard to get this turned into a ball, just for her, aren't I a nice person?😇'

"If you don't wear it I won't let you go,"-Ran
"Nooooo." Angelina screamed in horror
"Fine I'll wear a dress,"
' Ran wow she reminds me of Shinichi so much I swear she is like a smaller version of her '
' Shinichi how could she do that, use my hatred for crime against my hatred against dresses. Well at least I asked the professor to change a dress to enclose gadgets after seeing Sonoko's face it reminded me of when she looked at me like when she 'requested' me to to wear more feminine clothes with the lovely assistance of Ran *shiver*'

'.'After Arriving At The Suzuki Mansion'.'
Because I don't like make up

The party was in full swing by the time they arrived. Sonoko was waiting not so patiently for Ran to arrive while Jirokichi was waiting patiently for KidKiller to arrive. Immediately the teenage girls walked off with Sonoko's voice trailing behind them saying how handsome a man looked.
"Straight to business," Kogoro said heading towards Jirokichi making him forget about her. While Angel simply left for the balcony and sat on the edge of the handrail staring into the night sky. Everything was as peaceful as it could be, voices of both male and female humans cutting through the air, the stars shining through their life force causing them to die, a small dying breeze slicing into the warm suffocating air, the moon looking at the earth in a lonely gaze from far, far away, the phantom thief gently landing next to her, Sonoko talking about how she misses Shinchi-

' Shinchi wait

Sonoko misses me? Since when would she do that we are so different!

Wait another thing-

phantom thief....?'
"What are you doing here?" Angel bored asked
"Aren't you going to steel what ever it is Fairy Tail or was it Mermaid Tear?"
"Well I'm worried,"
"About what?"
"When the famous Kid Killer doesn't want to try to throw projectiles at me something is wrong,"
"Everything is fine, if you want me aim bouncy balls at you, something is wrong with you. However seeing as you asked so nicely I would be obliged to." Angelina said getting up and twisting the flower on her shoe
"What that outfit was also dangerous! I thought -seeing as you didn't try to catch me- you didn't have weapons!" Kaito exclaimed getting ready to run
"Too bad, you thought wrong," Angelina said chasing up stairs after him
"Wait. Where are the police?" Angelina questioned
""Hanging upside down, super glued to the ,ceil,ing, painted the bright luminous colours of every shade of pink!"
' Shinichi of course they are.'😓😔
Standing face to face the two rivals looked at each other. Suddenly the smaller one crotched down, worried for his body the tallest stood alert for any thing. But what he didn't expect was for the girl to start coughing - not the little coughs like the one you get if you have a cold but huge ones, ones that leave you breathless (in a bad way) - soon she coughed up blood.
"Are you ok?" Staying a distance away still vary of the small child
"Yes, I'm fine, now leave." The child retaliated raising a hand and swiping like he was an annoying fly that wouldn't go away.
"You don't look fine,"
"What gave you that idea, I'm fine," she stood up opened her watch and stated
"If you don't go away I'll shoot you,"
"You leave me no choice Tective ..." Kaito said uncertainty and left.
' Shinichi I didn't think what Ai said yesterday would effect me so badly
"I have just found out recently that apotoxin 4869 is started to have a negative effect on our bodies" Ai said in an explaining tone
"So if you have any symptoms tell me immediately,"
"So the reason you haven't seen to school recently is because you were researching how to reverse it,"
"Exactly even after you turned small I kept on changing it so we both will change at more or less the same time."
-Flashback E.N.D-
But in fact this could help me in a weird way.'

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