Family Reunion

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I just looked at her as she looks at me up and down looking intensely at me, trying to figure out who I was. She lowered the shotgun that was aimed at me as she reached her hand towards my face. She lightly stroked my face with her soft wrinkled fingers. "Jess? Is that you darling." I could see tears starting to form in her eyes, I smiled softly to her "yes mother it's me." She dropped the shotgun and put her arms around me. I was a bit taken back about this as this is the first time my mother has but her arms around me for something that is full of love, normally it would be that she put her arms around me to drag me to the lab. I thought I'd take me chance and hugged her back. Whilst doing this I saw Joker move the shotgun out of reach from my mother.

Jokers Pov.

I can't believe this is Jess's mother, I can't see where she get her looks from sheesh. The old bag has got more wrinkles then a scrunched up paper bag. But it's nice to see that Jess is smile and properly, I've only known her for a day but I can see that she is different from the rest of us, I can see she is loyal to people and can become a great asset to me. Ah I best move that shotgun from her mother before she gets any ideas for either Jess or me.

Jess's PoV

Removing my arms from my mother and looking over to the Joker smiling. Then I heard somebody gasp "That's the Joker, Jess get behind me, where's that god damn shotgun." My mother moved me behind her and started looking for the shotgun. I ran in front of her to make her stop."Mum no Joker is with me, he's the one that got me out of Arkham." My mother stopped panicking and looked at me like I was an alien with 3 head. "But Jess he's a monster he kills people for fun, I know what's going on you like him don't you, I bet you want him to make you his sex slave." I just looked at her shocked that she could say such a thing, I admit I like the joker, and even more now that I have met him " He's not the monster you are!" All my year of rage that I have kept locked in a cage have now been set free. "How would you like it if you got sent to Arkham all because your parents didn't know how to control what they have created, how would you like it if the people who suppose to love you didn't and just used you as an object, and you call him a monster all because he kills people, yes it is a bad thing but not as bad as fucking up a child for experiments even before they are born. Now say your sorry to the Joker." At this point I had the Jokers pistol pointing at my mother. Joker check his holster underneath his jacket "how the hell did you get that doll." Turning my head to look at him. "I'm full of surprises my sweet pea." Giving him a psychotic smile and bringing it to a deathly glare back at my suppose mother. " one question dearest mother, where is father." I could see her chest rising up and down as she panicked for her life. "He died about 5 years ago. He died trying out an unstable chemical." I looked he dead in the eye and getting such a thrill from the suspense of killing her. Something I have been planning since the age of 15. "Hey Joker." Putting his hand on my shoulder. "Yes babe."
" I see why you get a kick from this."


I had shot my mother right between the eyes. I lowered the pistol and handed it back to Joker to put in his holster. Still feeling the adrenaline running through my blood. "Can we go home now." Joker nodded as he took my hand and walked me past my mother "By the way Doll face." I stopped to look at him just as we left the house. "Great shot." And with that he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before starting to walk to the car to go home.

- Hey guys another chapter for you guys. Sorry there isn't much joker at the minute but there will be soon


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