Chapter 2 - Discovered Power

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The young girl could heard voices.

"Mommy... Is something wrong with me?"

Again she could heard it again.

"Why do you ask, my dear?" An older woman said.

"Because... Everyone become distance with me. When I'm with them, they said they couldn't feel anything. But, when I'm not with them-they become normal again. They can hear again, smell anything, but every time I'm with them..." The young girl explained. Her face became sad as the older woman kneel down and rubbed her head.

"Hikari... You do not need to worry about that. That's your gift and you can use it for good. Everything is up to you. You can choose to control your gift will let it control you. With your gift, you can protect your friends and the one you loved. Remember, Hikari... If you choose to developed it, please used it to help people. Especially..." She rubbed her cheek. "Your beautiful voice"


End of Dream

Hikari slowly opened her eyes. She still remembered that conversation, with the person she loved the most. She sat on her bed and fall to her thoughts.

"Mommy..." She still remembered having the conversation three years ago, before her mother's death. That time, Hikari realized that herself was different with the children around her causing she started to think that herself was...scary. The children even accused her as the demon's descendant and that was probably the reason of why she was constantly returned to the hospital because her body was unable to handled the situation in human world. And also...

The reason of why her parents died. Some of the people around her said that because of her abnormal power, her parents suddenly passed away.

Knock, Knock, Knock

In the middle of her own thinking, someone was knocking the window. She looked towards it and found...

"Aizen-san?" She descend from the bed and went to the window. She opened it. "Hello, Aizen-san. What are you doing this late?"

"Well... There's something I want to check. I'm surprise you're still awake. I came here because I see you're still awake. I were having a nightmare?" Aizen asked.

"Oh, no. It's not a nightmare. It's...a dream about the past"

"The past? About what, if I may ask?" Hikari was hesitated. She didn't know whether she could trust Aizen. It's almost week since she came to know him. She already talked much to him, about herself and her parents.

"It's about myself actually"

"...What do you mean?"

"You see... Something strange always happening when I'm around when I'm still a child. People said the couldn't do anything if I was near them. They couldn't see properly, taste properly or they were not able to heard anything. I thought they were just become a paranoid and it became worse. When my parents died, suddenly this...power of mine just disappeared" Hikari explained. "Well... I was thankful though, because...little by little people starting to believed that my parent's death not because of me, but still..." She could feel her eyes became watery as she was trying to hold herself to not to cry. "S-Sorry, it's just...because I remembered them again"

"You do not have to. I think it's normal of you cried because of your lost parents" Aizen said it gently.

"Hehe... Thank you, Aizen-san. Well, I probably should go back to sleep. Thanks for the short company, Aizen-san. I hope you found what you want" Hikari said.

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