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Selena POV
It's such a nice autumn's day I'm so glad I have off! There's a comic con happening in our hotel and I do not want to deal with any of the fan girls.
I look out my window and all the leaves have turned a beautiful yellow orange colour I just need to get out of the house and go jump in a pile of leaves I giggle at the thought. I rush out my apartment door run down the flights of stairs and say hi to my door man berry he's 60 and it's his last year of working here he's like a father to me. I've known him since I was born I love him! It's a bit chilly out and of course I forgot my sweater but Starbucks is only a couple blocks away so I decide to troop it out I can always drop by the hotel and grab my extra sweater as I head to the front I can already see a group of girls screaming someone's name of which I do not care for I'm just cold. I run to the back door blindly I bump into a guy and made him drop his drinks. "Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there I was just trying to get in to the hotel to grab my sweater! I'm soooo sorry can I pay you for the drinks? Are you hurt?" Instead of the guy getting mad at me he just started to laugh and laugh. "It's okay I'm fine you can come with me to get me new drinks though" I smile shyly of course I just need my sweater and we can go! "Great I'll come with you I need new pants haha"

Dylan POV
I absolutely love the fans we have but I need a breather from the whole comic con thing traveling with the teen wolf cast is exhausting.. We're back at our hotel and the fans are here waiting for us to take pictures sign autographs we hang out with them for a while and it's great I truly love them they are what keeps me going. I decided to go to Starbucks to get me holland,Tyler and crystal some coffee Vancouver is such a beautiful city I'm always in awe when I come here. On my way back I noticed that the group of girls who were there have gotten quite bigger I'll just have to find an entrance out back and say hi to these girls later. I find a door but it needs a key to get in.. Great I'll just stand here till somebody opens the door.. All of a sudden this girl comes running bumping into me at first I don't notice her I'm just really upset that all this coffee is all on me and I know the crew will make fun of me and say how clumsy I am. She starts stammering on apologizing and I finally noticed how breath taking she is and how I need to get to know her! She obviously doesn't have a clue about me and it makes me feel comfortable. I tell her she can get me new drinks so I can spend more time with this lovely human. She takes a what looks like a key out and opens the door. "You work here?" "Yes I'm the front desk manager" "that's a cool job!" "It pays for school" she giggles.

Selena POV

I get into my office and grab my sweater I feel so clumsy and of course I would do that to a cute guy. I head on out and see the cute guy with a change of pants and a mets sweater. "You're a mets fan?!?!?" "Yup! Always wanted to work for them! You?!" "Yes been going to there games every since I can remember!
We both head out the back since the group of fans seem to be growing. It was a nice walk to star bucks we talked about a lot and I learned that his name is Dylan and we have so much in common. I honestly did not want this day to end.
We decided to exchange numbers and part ways it's 7 o'clock and I'm starving I head out to my favourite diner right by my appointment and order my favourite meal chilli cheese fries with extra cheese! As I'm relaxing my phone starts buzzing

Dylan 7:35
Hello Selena
Me 7:36
Hey dilz 😁
Dylan 7:37
Dilz?! Haha what are you doing
Me 7:38
I'm eating at my favourite diner lol you?
Dylan 7:39
Wow thanks for the invite! 😒😤😡 I was kinda wondering if I can take you out for lunch tomorrow?
Me 7:41
I wanted to get away from you 😈 I'd love to! I get on my break at 12:30 you'll get me for an hour and a half! You are staying at the hotel right ? I'll meet you at the front desk!
Dylan 7:45
See you there!

Why do I have such a stupid smile on my face and why I am I excited for work tomorrow?

Dylan POV

I've been smiling ever since she's bumped into me we talked about everything and we have so much in common she also likes the mets.this is the first time in a while, I go to sleep with a smile on my face...

Sorry for the spelling errors I promise I'll get better as we go!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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