FORTY TWO: Tender, Warm, Everlasting

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"Sometimes when people are under stress, they hate to think, and it's the time when they most need to think." - Bill Clinton


F O R T Y T W O : Tender, Warm, Everlasting

        The twinkling diamonds were reflective off of the overhead lighting in her office, the silver band around her finger making her feel weird and whipped with excitement. She couldn't help but stare at the piece of priceless jewelry, cocking her head to examine the detailing closely. Ophelia has a fiancé, and it was the man she adored for almost two years of her life. She wouldn't pass a stranger by without emphasizing the new, foreign item on her hand. They would notice, compliment the diamonds, and wish her fiancé and her well. She desired the world to know that Harry was planning to marry her, without a single word of obligation.

        "First Lady. First Lady!" Marisa could tell the Ophelia was still distracted from the large, smothering rock on her left hand even after a week since the event. She hadn't focused at least one time, and the awkward pauses in between questions and opinionated statements bothered her entire team. "First Lady, we are ready to begin the meeting."

Ophelia descended from her daydream about the proposal, adjusting to the number of people that had gathered at the table. "I apologize. It's still a bit overwhelming. Let's start the meeting then."

"Okay. We have finally gotten in contact with the former First Lady. She will be returning from her vacation tomorrow, and she would love to meet you then," Marisa reported, sliding a piece of paper to the First Lady's sight of vision. "Here's the time she would like to come."

        "To add, my team and I have been working tirelessly to perfect the final logos that you've picked," Erin told her, raising from her chair to set up the tripod stand for the bulletin board pinned with different logos that were assigned. "Here is what we came up with. Simplistic, but effective."

        Ophelia gazed at the different advertisement plans, her heels navigating to the board. Her fingers ran over the paper pieces, eyeing the color and shapes for each. "I like this one. The design connects the message, while keeping it plain for rebranding on other platforms. Great job, Erin." She flashed a kind smile to her employee, and flattening the material of her pants to sit back in her chair.

        "And I happen to gain research. Every year, more than 3.6 million referrals are made to a child protection agencies involving more than 6.6 million children." Frederick's hands placed a file in front of the First Lady, encouraging her to open the manila folder. "On average, the United States loses four to seven children every day to child abuse and neglect."*

(* facts directly from

"That's tragic. We could have the opportunity to change that statistic by pushing this right along. Avery, you have that budget?" Ophelia directed to her the shy woman near the rear of the room. She instantly slid up her glasses, clearing the clog in her throat.

"W-well, we have a record that shares more than one million in budget for this project. We could get more, butー"

"No, that is perfectly fine. Thank you, Avery. Claudia, get me the range for each section we need to successfully launch this projects including campaigning, advertising, school visits. Everything." The First Lady was proud of her authoritative source found in her bones, and she would use it to her advantage to help push the generation of tomorrow. "And Marisa, I need you to be at the meeting with former First Lady and I. We need to take this very seriously now that things are falling into place."

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