Chapter 19 Its Not Easy

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I told him everything about Mark. Sometimes he would let out a low growl or patted my back when I started sobbing. I was glad he was there to comfort me. I really needed that right now.

It was time for lunch , I packed my book and walked out from the classroom. Taehyung alresdy left a few minutes ago since he needed to go to the toilet . I made my way to my locker and put my book in it .

I closed my locker and turned on my heel . I was about to walk away when I felt someone tapped my shoulder . I turned around only to see Mark standing in front of me . My eyes widened.

He was standing too close to me. A smile formed across his face , sending thrill throughout my body . Our eyes connected , shutting our mouths , we kept staring to each other.

The memories of him kicked me. I shook my head slightly and turned around before I walked away.

" Jane wait . " He called out me before he ran to me. He stopped in front of me , blocking my way.

" What do you want Mark ? " I asked him coldly.

" Are you okay ? " He asked me with concern in his eyes.

" Why do you care ? " I asked him back .

" No , I'm just worried when I saw you crying . " He said as he scratched the back of his neck .

" I never be okay with you here. " I replied as I walked past him headed to the cafeteria.

I saw the boys already sat at our place . Taehyung waved his hand to me but frown as his eyes glued on something behind me. I turned around and saw Mark smiling to Taehyung .

I rolled my eyes to him before I turned around and was about to walk away from him when he grabbed my wrist .

" What the hell are you doing ? " I whispered screaming , not wanting to gain the other students attention.

He just smirked in return and leaned forward to my ear before he whispered " I'm going to make you feel okay with me. "

He pulled back with a wide smile on his face which made me stunned. I haven't seen that smile for a long time. Suddenly a low growl made me to snap out of my thoughts.

I gasped when I felt my wrist being yanked away from someone. I could tell it was Taehyung since I could smell his cologne.

" Don't you dare lay your bloody hand on her . " Taehyung said with a serious tone.

Mark stepped forward , moving closer to Taehyung and said " I can do whatever I want , she is my girl . "

" Correction , she was your girl . Now she is mine . " Taehyung said as he pulled me into his arms. I felt save and warms in his arms . I could feel he was tense. A growl escaped Mark throat .

" What ? " He snapped. Taehyung made a move towards him as his arms wrapped around my waist protectively.

" Tae . " I said as I put my hand on his chest . I looked up to see his eyes . I shook my head to him , telling him to stop . I could feel everyone was watching us .

" Okay , both of you really need to relax . " Junior stepped between us. I didn't see his coming . He looked at me and gave me a small nod and a small smile.

I saw Jimin and Jackson walked towards us . Jimin stood beside us as Jackson made his way to Mark.

" My sister is not an item okay . " He said as he patted Taehyung and Mark's shoulder.

" So now , go get something to eat. The lunch is almost over . " He said as he dismissed us . I took the chance to drag Taehyung from there . Jimin on the other side , put his hand around Taehyung's shoulder and we headed to our table.

We settled ourselves down as I sat between Jimin and Taehyung.

" Thanks for the drama Jane . " Suga said sarcastically made me to roll my eyes to him .


" I thought vampire didn't sleep. I never see Jimin sleep. " I said as I settled myself down on the couch .

" I'm not sleeping . I'm just thinking. " Taehyung said as he layed his head on my laps. I ran my finger through his soft dark brown hair . He always changed his hair colour . But I loved it . The colour suit him well.

" Yeay right . Thinking and snoring at the same time. " I rolled my eyes.

He let out a chuckle before he looked at me .

" I love you . " He said out of blue.

" What ? " I asked him back . I clearly heard what he said but I just wanted to make sure it .

" I love you . " He said again .

" What ? " I said playfully made him groaned and sat up .

" I said I love you . " He said as he pouted.

" I know . " I replied with a small smile on my face.

" Why didn't you reply ? " He asked me .

I didn't replied as I ruffled his hair and smiled. Suddenly he pulled me to his lap as a yelp escape my mouth .

"I love you . " He said as he kissed my lips made me to froze . I slowly kissed him back and enjoying his sweet lips.

" I love you too . " I replied as we pulled away .

This chapter is a little bit short but I put a little sweet scene of Taehyung and Jane . I hope you guys enjoyed it and keep reading . I promise I will update as soon as I can . Annyeong 👋

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