Selling So Much More Than Clothes: Chapter Four

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That night was Louis' birthday party. His house was packed full of people from high school, old jobs, and old friends from throughout the years. He invited Harry at the last minute, but now that the night was going on, he couldn't seem to find him.

Louis was drunk; three heavy shots, two beers, and an extremely strong margarita deep. ("But a margarita is a girl drink, Pez!" He had shouted at Perrie as she milled around the kitchen preparing the fruity drink. She just ignored him and grinned. "Ahh, but you're the birthday queen, you have to have one!") His face was flushed, his limbs were loose, and he was feeling nice and warm. Perfect.

"Leeeyum, haveou seen Haarrry? I c-*hiccup*-can't find him!" Louis slurred, grabbing onto Liam's shoulder to steady himself.

"Last time I saw him he was in the living room talking to Niall. Maybe you should be done drinking for the night, Lou. You're already wobbling and I'm sure you remember what happened last year." Liam worried, reaching over to take the cup from Louis' hand, but the drunk boy just snatched it away.

Yes, of course he remembered what happened last year. Last year Louis had gotten a bit too drunk and got up on the dining room table and started to sing at the top of his lungs. He tried to start dancing too, but lost his footing and fell, hit his head and got knocked out. Needless to say he woke up the next morning in more pain than just a hangover.

"'m fine, leave'e alone!" He tore away from Liam's grasp and found his way into the main room that was buzzing with people. He spotted a tall body topped with brown curly hair pushed up and back away from his face. He stumbled over to him and Niall with a smile on his face and a drink in his hand. When he came over to them they were laughing, but Harry's attention immediately turned to Louis and his eyes sparkled.

"Hey Lou, enjoying your party?" Niall laughed, glancing at the red plastic cup in his hand and his droopy eyes.

"Why nes, Yiall, I am. Harry, areya ha-having fun?" He looked down at his cupless hands and frowned. "Where's your drink?" 

Harry laughed loudly and shook his head.

"I've had two beers, I'm feeling nice and buzzed. You don't have to be wasted to have a good time, you know." Louis rolled his eyes.

"Well I knooow thaat, Niall do'ou mind if I steal him away fr-from you for a little bit?" Niall shook his head and laughed again.

"Yay 'ank you!" Louis shouted with a smile. He grabbed Harry's hand and tugged him away from the blonde boy and up the stairs to the guest room.

"Louis, what are you doing?" Harry asked, nervousness evident in his voice.

"Areyoudrunk, Harry?" Louis said, setting his drink down on the desk and moving closer to the bed where Harry had sat down.

"Buzzed, I guess. Not nearly as drunk as you." Louis smirked. He knew what he wanted and his drunk brain believed Harry wanted it too.

"Do'ou know..howpretty you're?" Louis rambled, brushing his hand against Harry's thigh.

"Thanks I guess.. Louis, stop, you're drunk." Louis just ignored him and crawled up onto his lap.

"Drunk enough to still know that I've wanted to do this since you first ran into my window." He smiled at Harry, who was visibly uncomfortable beneath him. But because he was Harry, he still nervously smiled back at him.

"Don't be like this, Lou. You're drunk and you don't know what you're doing." Louis huffed at him and folded his arms over his chest, wobbling from side to side in the process.

"Yes do! Just cause I'm drunk dodn't mean 'm not being honest. In fact, I'm m-more honest when I'm drunk than when I'm soer." He hiccuped and Harry grabbed his waist so he wouldn't fall over.

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