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" Dreams do not come true, no matter how many times people tell you they do. "


-Kara's POV-

Why must I be such a nerd I should have kept my mouth shut now all attention is on me. I thought to myself as I looked around the classroom.

" Well class Ms,Smarty pants has nothing to say." Said one of the guys in class causing all the students to laugh. I put my head down slightly looking at my nails while the teacher told the class to settle down.

" Actually Ma'am to answer your question before I was interrupted. Poetry is a lofty thought or impassioned feelings used to express your feelings and emotions in words of literature." I told her looking up at her smiling slightly.

" Very well. And to all of you that laughed you will regret it because Kara is the only one that knew that simple 6th grade question. You all are seniors you should feel ashamed." I sat down taking my pencil and silently laughing at the dumb young adults.. Or in this case dumb young adults in this class.

The guy that made a joke earlier was giving me a death glare which I ignored as I started looking at the time counting down the last minute of the day.

" Class is dismissed but Kara I would like you to stay. I have some things to discuss with you." Mrs. Welman said as she stood up with a folder in her hand. All the students quickly left shoving each other.

" Yes Mrs? Did I do something wrong? " I asked her as I put my heavy book bag on and pushed my chair in.

" No Kara you never do anything wrong. In fact I wanted to hand you your slip for college. I signed everything and I even called them to ask them about scholarships for you. They said since you are the top student in all your classes you get a free scholarship and they will pay for everything to send you to school in London." She explained making me jump up and down.

" Thank you. I couldn't have done all of this without you. " I told her as we said our goodbyes.

I walked down the hallway heading towards the front door to get picked up by my brother but the guy from earlier whose name I can't care to remember stopped me from moving.

" Why are you touching me." I asked him staring at his hand that's gripping my wrist.

" I just wanted to have some fun with the schools nerd." He said laughing but shortly stopped after he seen Mrs. Welman . Thank god for her or I would have beat this dudes ass.

" Jayden Willams. Why are you touching other students? I'm sure your dad would love to hear about your grades failing again." She said walking between us causing him to lose his grip on my wrist.

" Thank you again Ms. Welman but I should be going now. " I said awkwardly as I walked down the hallway taking deep breathes.

Walking outside I saw the parking lot was empty. Which is strange seeing as my brother is always waiting for me.

Calling him a few times with no answer I decided to just walk home. But Boy am I having a bad day. It just had to start raining.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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