~chapter 1~

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Taurtis's POV

I was sleeping soundly when my brother Sam jumped up on my bed and started shaking me. "Taurtis? Wake up! Wake up! Wake upppppp~" Sam cried. "Sammmm,....go back to sleep." i said going back to sleep. Sam huffed and laded on his back. "But i CAN'T! The skys awake, sooo I'm awake. So we have to playyy" He said and was all being drama- mama. "Go- play by your self" i said and pushed him off the bed. "Oph*thud*" and thats when i went back to sleep.

1st purson POV

Sam got an idea and got back on Taurtis's bed and opened his eye. "Do you wanna build a snowman~?" Sam said. Knowing that Taurtis will give in. Taurtis opened his eye and smiled. They ran out of there room and into the ball room. "Are you ready????" asked Taurtis. "Uhhuhu!!" Sam said and watched as Taurtis made a snowball and shot it up into the air and make snow flakes. "THIS IS AMAZING!" yelled Sam as he spun around in a circle. "Wach this" Taurtis said and stomped his foot on the floor and make ice aperture on the floor. They built a snowman and named him Olof. Sam was jumping on the snow piles and went up like stars. Sam jumped and Taurtis yelled. "SAM!" and hit him in the head. Sam landed on the floor and Taurtis ran over to him. "I'm so sorry Sam" said Taurtis as he hugged his brother. His foot moved and it made ice spread across the in TIRE room. There was banging at the boor, the door busted open and came in was there mother and father, King Tom, and Quine Samantha. "Taurtis you need to stop this, this is getting out of hand!" said his father as him and his wife ran over to there tow sons. "It was an accident. I'm sorry Sam" "*gasp* his ice cold* said Samantha as she held on to her cold son. "I know what we have to do. " said Tom as he got on his house with Taurtis wile Samantha had Sam and they rode into the forest to see the rocks.

At school so gtg!


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