chapter 2

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1st purson POV

The king and queen and there two Son's rode into the woods. When they got to an open filed with bolders they got off there hourses, with Sam in in his mothers arms and Taurtis by his father's side. When they got to the middle the rocks stood up and spoke. "My king, queen?" said a trole with a green Crystal.

Then granpappy trole came rolling in. "There is some Strang magic." he said. He saw Sam in his mothers arms raped up in a blanket. "Come, come. Let me take a look." said granpappy. As he looked at Sam's memory.  He took his fun time memory of him and his brother playing with Taurtis power. He made it look like Taurtis never had them. Replacing it to look like they were outside playing. After he put it back into Sam's head, Sam smiled at it. And continue to sleep.

"He won't remember i have powers?" asked Taurtis in a sad tone. "Its for the best" said his father. "Come hear Taurtis. Your power are fare more powerful then you cane emagen. There is butey, but fear, is your worst enemy" he said as the thing showed from a blue, to a red. "*Gasp*" Taurtis gasped as he ran to his father, and hugged him. "No. He cN control it. I'm Shure. Intill then. Lock the gates. We will teach him to control it. We will keep it so that NO one will know. *sigh* and protect Sam." said the king as they left.

Mkay so i just got done with this. If we get 5 likes then ill do a new chapter today after school. :3


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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