Wow black ⭐️

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This would be me af if I were a boy. A lot of my friends picture me gay if I were a boy cause of the way I talk. (which I think I would be to tbh)

Someone at my school asked me,
"if you're really depressed, let me see your cuts." I almost screamed in tears when she said that. I don't have cuts. Just scars of memories. I don't have cuts because my parents would send me to some serious counseling crap. Also, you shouldn't go up to someone and say "lot me see your cuts" cause 1. That's just wrong on so many levels and 2. That's really note of your business why there there. Some people don't want to tell others about there past.personally, I don't care. If someone's says about why I'm depressed, i could care less. But others might not. So just think about that.

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