Where it all began

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It was love at first sight when my mother and father fell in love with each other.Always put their trust in each other because my father was such a loyal and faithful man.Always made the effort to impress my mother and of course to keep her interrested.

One night he had come home drunk from going over the top in the pub and suddenly shouted "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT" of course my mother had no idea what she had particually done wrong, so she listened to him blame her for ruining his career and nothing she said could calm him down to sober up so they coulf have a nice and sensible chat. He ran outside and didnt return for a few hours so my mother went up stairs to bed,trying her hardest to be asleep before he came home because she didnt want to have to sit and listen to him bloit out her sudden faults at her.

(4 hours later)
Mother heard a huge slam on the door and heavy foot steps charging up the stairs, she tried not to panick and tried her best to pretend that she was sleeping when he pulled her up and threw her into the wall, mother bursted into tears with fear and had no courage what so ever to question the need of this.so she kept quiet and just took it.then from head to toe he stripped her and pinned her to the wall. And well you all could imagine what came next.The next morning father had left early out of the house, mother never had a clue of what he would be doing at such time in the morning, but it soon slipped her mind and didnt bother her as all that mattered was that the same thing as last night wouldnt happen again.From head to toe in so much pain from the force that she had hit the wall and from the torture that father had put her through.

Mother soon got out of bed to make herself breakfast and noticed a note on the fridge that said "do not leave the house untill i get home" mother of course had no idea why he had warned her not to leave the house, anyway she carried on with making her scrambled eggs on toast whilst trying to put all the pieces from last night to this morning together.

It soon turned 5pm when father had returned home, mother quietly sits in the kitchen hoping he would come home sober today so she could have a chance to speak to him "hunny can yiu come into the kitchen for a minute?"
"Ok, ill wait" she replied nervously
Father soon walks in very bad tempered because mother had aimply asked him to appear in the kitchen, she asks "urm...do you remember anything from last night," she asks quietly, he replies very visiously, "YES, I REMEMBER EVERYTHING CLEARLY!" He leans right over to her face and warned her never to screw up anything else up of his career or she will get it worse next time.

In all of a shock hearing those words, she then tried to keep herself busy so that he would have no reason to abuse his power over her like that again."OII! GET ME A BEAR WILL YOU!"he bloited out across the house even though there was nothing wrong with him getting up and fetching one himself.Mother didnt hear him over the vacuum cleaner, a few seconds later in came father very angry because he didnt get his bear and so he repeatedly shook mothers head by grabbing her hair and repeating "you do as i say, when i say, got it!" And untill mother had answered him with a simple yes he just seemed to carry on and on and on and on.
That very evening father had calmed down from the insident erlier and sat mother down to talk to her, he simply explaimed how it was not his fault yhat this had happened that it was her sometimes getting on her nerves,that she should listen more and that would prevent anything happening like that again,mother just agreed and said nothing as she didnt know what to say at all, that he had shocked her that much that the man she fell in love with had suddenly lost her trust. He finally went out to the pub with a few of his mates leaving mother in bed trying to sleep through the agonising pain shooting all over her body.

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