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So here's a update I know it took a while but to be honest my tension span is to short for long chapter so if that's what y'all want its gon take way longer...but anyway I hope y'all like and it clears some things up ... 75 votes I'll update


After getting everything settled with Brad we set up shifts to watch over Alpha Kaden's territory and Tristan's kingdom. I took the first shift at Alpha Kaden's because I needed to see her to know my mate was ok until I am able to bring her home with me. When I reached her house it was chaos. People were running around looking crazy and the Prince and princess are on there knee's before a body. I figured since they are preoccupied that it would be a great time to get my mate an leave before anyone noticed. I was so excited about the opportunity that I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to execute this little mission. So I started by making my way around the house perhaps I could catch a glimpse of her through her window, then possible retrieve her before anyone noticed.

I was so deep in thought that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings as well as I thought I was because be for I knew it I was knocking someone to the ground . I knew I had to eliminate the threat before they could alert other that I was here. Before I could stop them from speaking I was asked " Who are you and what are you doing here?" Since I would be ending her life I didn't see any reason to hide anything. "I'm here to get my mate. It seems the prince and princess have laid claim to what does not belong to them and im here to get her back. " What so your telling me that your mated to Trinity ?" I just nodded my head then she continued " I knew there was something so shaddy about that bitch!" before I knew it I had already back handed them. "Who the hell do you you think you are I should snap your neck right now for the disrespect but you may come in handy. Where is my mate at?" "Hate to break it to you but your mate passed out and no has been able to wake her." the girl said taking a step back. Must have been able to see the rage seeping through what have they done to my mate. She was fine before I left. What am I going to do I can't just go barging in there thats suicide.

I stood there thinking of my next step because there was no way I was getting her tonight. I looked at the girl in front of me and it was like everything fell into place like it clicked. "If my mate is in there passed out why is it that you are trying to sneak away instead of finding out a way to help?" I could read between the lines I was just waiting for her to answer. "Your so called mate stole my man I had him first he was mines before she got, but there's nothing I can do so just decided to leave." Just like I expected another jealous bitch, but its not all bad because I can use her. "You have two options, you can stay here and be my insider and help me get my mate back or I can kill you here and now?" she looked at me and asked " What do I get out of this? What's stopping me from telling you to just end it and be done?" "Well im glad you asked, You get that ugly ass mutt you want so badly" I told her. "So do we have a deal?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

I need to hurry up and get her back in so we exchanged contacts and I told her to keep me informed on everything and let me know when she wakes up. I smiled to my self. There was know way in hell she would ever get the prince like I would let him live after I got my mate back. It would be a cold day in hell before I let either of them live after this is all said and done. I felt accomplished for today. Now all I had to do was be patient I thought before I met up with the wolf thats suppose to be relieving me from my shift and taking up post to keep watch.

***Mystery Girl

After everything that had just happened I had to get out of there. I don't know what I was doing there in the first place he was suppose to be mines I seen him before that bitch. She just swooped in and took him. On my way out I ran into another fine ass piece of meet. Thinking my luck had finally started to turn for the better . I knew he was and alpha but come to find out he was here for that man stealing bitch. So much for me leaving now I have to get close to this bitch. She doesn't deserve any of these men. I should kill her and if I just happen to weaseled my way into her mates hearts so when she's gone they will all be mines. I made my way back into to house to find that Trinity had been moved to her room with her "mates" hot on her tail. It pissed me off even more because it was like she got everything I wanted and she was rubbing the shit in my face. Dramatic ass bitch like for real who just passes out in the middle of her long winded ass speech daughter of the Moon Goddess my ass. Everything always came to her so easy while I on the other hand has to struggle.


I am crazy worried but its worse because jay is too, so its happening ten fold. My mate passed out and no one knows why. We moved her to our room (I love the sound of that ours) and we had the pack doctor check her out. He said that she was in a deep sleep almost like she was comatose. I need her to wake up. My brother'swolf and mines didn't like the fact that we couldn't hold her or wake her. Not looking into her beautiful brown eyes is killing me. I could hear both our wolves crying out for our mate and she wasn't responding. I love jay dearly but don't think either of us could survive without her. I think we all just needed rest so I stood up start to undress my mate and jay joined in to help. I wanted trinity to sleep comfortably and I wanted to be as close to her as possible no restrictions. When we were done with Trin like magnets we moved toward each other. Jay removed my clothes and then I removed his. I kissed his lip and linked him that I loved him and he did the same. It was like we were robot's. I climbed in bed with Trin placing a kiss to her lips telling I loved her as well then I snuggling as close to her as I could, like before so did Jay. I wanted to wake up and see those beautiful eyes but for now ill settle for being close to her

***** please comment and Vote if I can spend hours writing its the least you can do is let me know what you think and vote.. But like I always say I appreciate yall reading it

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