Chapter One

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Chapter One:

October 31, 2013, 6:54 p.m.  

Louis grins as he runs to his door – almost tripping over his own feet –  and yanks it open.

“Trick or treat!” Two young girls both dressed up as different princesses shout with a smile. Louis brings a masked glove up to his mouth, faking a gasp.  The girls giggle at the dressed up mime and thrust their empty sleeping bags forward as Louis puts a generous amount of candy in them. Louis puts on a large smile and over dramatically waves at the girls as they leave his heavily decorated front step.

Louis Tomlinson adores Halloween. Every year he plans out what he will do, who he will be, and even watches all the cheesy Halloween movies. Ever since he was introduced to the spooky holiday he was gaga over it. But he has never been interested in dressing up as something scary, he hates scaring people; mostly younger kids. So this October 31st, he decided to dress up as a mime – he even forced himself to put on black lipstick to contrast against his white face paint.

All the kids know to go to Louis’ house, that’s where all the good candy is. But not to leave out the fact that they all love to see what Louis did with himself and his house each year.

Louis lives alone in his roomy bungalow, but he doesn’t mind it. Louis actually kind of enjoys living on his own as a single 24 year old. It gives him independence and time to just think.

Louis’ infamous Halloween doorbell is rung and a haunting melody is echoed throughout his house for a few moments. He runs to his front door and opens it to find a group of boys and girls all dressed up in matching costumes. He could tell they all matched, but he couldn’t put his finger on where they were from.

“Trick or treat!”

Louis didn’t care that the kids in front of him were probably around 13 and most likely thought he was weird. He still stayed in character and waved his mime wave with a smile. Louis turned to his candy bowls and gave each trick or treater a hand full. They all thanked him than left his doorstep, running across his lawn to go to his neighbor’s house.

Louis chuckles to himself, remembering the day where that would’ve been him going door to door in the cold in search for candy. His smile quickly turns into a frown as he remembers his least favourite part of Halloween.

Louis never liked being scared; it – well – scared him. His friends would always pressure him into going in things like haunted houses and every time, he would eventually agree. Every single one made Louis paranoid and nervous.

Louis did not like the feeling; it reminded him of too many things.

But he knew if he admitted it, he would be teased. So, he would just prepare himself for the constant nightmares and teeth clenching.

Anyone would think if someone liked Halloween as much as Louis did, he would like being scared, or at least wouldn’t mind it.

But they didn’t know Louis. No one really did. Louis preferred that no one did anyway; he avoids anyone who tries to get too close to him. It’s not that Louis is stubborn or hates life. He simply rather be to himself than with other people.

Louis knows he can trust himself. No one else is as honest and as nice as he is to himself. Every person Louis seems to talk to or get close to, always stabs him in the back or puts him down. Louis was just fed up with all that and picked the only logical solution he could find.

Don’t get too close to anyone.

It takes Louis a few seconds to realize that his doorbell is chiming, signaling that there are some kids at his door. He has a soft spot for them, they would never hurt him.

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