Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

November 6, 2013, 2:24 p.m.

From the minute Louis woke up the other day somehow back in his bed, he refused to sleep, he barely ate, and his old self that he thought he kicked behind years ago has sprouted back in him. Louis is positive that when he woke up from that nightmare he did go out for a run to clear his mind and there was a ringing in his ears of some sort. Louis looks back on the events, and they seem too familiar to be a dream. But it doesn’t make sense to him why he woke up snuggled in his bed like nothing even happened?

The past week is all it took for Louis to remember exactly why he did some of the things he has done, for old feelings and thoughts to erupt back in Louis’ mind. It made Louis decide he needs to face the truth and stop convincing himself lies to keep sane.

Louis is fragile, he is scared, he does get lonely. He hates when it happens, but sometimes his mind wanders back to his parents and to the night where they kicked him out of their house. He was still eighteen and didn’t have a job, so he stayed with a friend until he could manage for himself. The reason why Louis’ parents threw out their eldest son is because they couldn’t handle him, and he even unknowingly embarrassed them sometimes.

It all began around the age of fifteen, something changed inside of Louis. He became more aware of the things around him; he paid more attention to detail. He became more interested in the unknown and the wonderful thing called the mind. Louis slowly drove himself off the edge of sanity, became more nervous and got a bad case of paranoia. He claimed to have noticed things lurking in the shadows, but they soon disappeared after the blink of an eye. Of course, no one did ever believe him when he said he saw someone watching him, or he heard whispers of torment. He was just stamped with the crazy label and pushed aside.

Three years later when Louis was eighteen, he matured, making himself realize he was indeed mentally unstable and must’ve just made up everything in his head.  In a way, he somewhat cured himself.

But little did he know, everything was actually real; he was never “crazy”. He just had a keen eye and spotted the shadows, heard the voices, felt the breeze of wings rustling or weapons swinging. Louis had a talent he never knew about, he notices things that others would normally not care about. He took the time to observe the world around him instead of just walking right through it. Everything he saw amazed him and the same thoughts would repeat in his smart head.

There must be more.

There needs to be more than this.

For Louis, he always believed there was something or someone else out there. Whatever it may be – just something that is hidden from the human race. It would be very hard to believe that we would be the only kind of intelligent living thing anywhere. Louis always stuck to his beliefs, but never really thought what kind of people it would be. He especially never thought of if the alternate universe being good or bad, he always assumed they would be good.

While Louis half sits on his couch thinking to himself, the reaper who carried Louis back to his house the other night, is frustrated. But a better word to describe how he is feeling would be angry.

Very angry.

Not only has Louis cost the reaper to be unfocused, but it doesn’t look very good to his bosses if he doesn’t come back with any marks from a soul.

Once you are the cause of death to someone and gain their soul, you get a mark on your dominant inner forearm, a simple one inch horizontal black line. At the end of a workday, you would show your arm to a scanner and it would count how many marks you earned that day. When you can’t fit any more lines on your forearm – which is usually around one hundred marks – you get them removed and gain higher respect and rewards but are expected to be more advanced. When you complete a set of marks, you go up a division, and the process repeats itself unless other factors get in the way and force you to get your lines removed early as a punishment. This can get quite competitive as there is literally nothing else for them to do. This process is also how workers are picked, whoever is line number fifty-five on your arm will be turned immortal and assigned to become a worker once your marks get removed. There are a lot of rules and regulations in the opposite world, but most catch on easily.

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