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Chapter: 1

At every end of year, the sleepy coastal village of Kihisa suddenly bursts into bee-hive activity. It could be felt in the air. This year it was exceptionally in plenty as a fair-skinned boy walked around the market. A small black and white terrier followed him closely.

‘Just feel it in the air Slokum. The untapped goodness of being free as a bird. Maybe I can find out what to do when I settle here. What do you think?’ the handsome lad the terrier picking him up.

[Put me down matey] the terrier said in his Scottish accent, [And i think it is a mad-hattin’ idea to settle eh lad! Just be on the move. If we are found we will be turned to haggis and trust me you are not going to like that Malkass.]

Malkass put the terrier down and sighed. He looked at his golden half-moon, hollow- star pendant hanging round his neck and polished it. It gleamed brightly and he returned it in its place. He walked around a bit then sat down on an upturned bucket. He drew his sword from its sheath and started to polish it with a rag.

‘Pretty fine sword you have there,’ a voice said above his head. He looked up and saw a young girl staring at him. He jumped to his feet and bowed courteously. Her purple eyes similar to his shined and sparkled radiantly as he stared at her.

‘I am Malkass and you must be?’

‘The owner of the bucket you are sitting on,’ the girl replied laughing, ‘I am Malden and from the looks of it you are not from around are you?’

Malkass shook his head and said, ‘Me and Slokum here just arrived today from Seingsahl about three days walk from here. We had just decided to-’

What Malkass and Slokum decided to do was never known because at that moment Malkass took his sword and stood alert while Slokum bristled and rumbled deeply in his throat.

‘What’s wrong?’ Malden enquired. She looked around and saw nothing.

‘THE STYRAXI APPROACH,’ a tall lanky man yelled pointing at the sky. Fifteen dots appeared in the sky and approached the market.

‘Oh no!’ Malden muttered. She pulled Malkass down to the ground.

‘Whatever you do, do not look directly at their eyes or you will be petrified,’ she cautioned.

From those who had seen a Styraxi up close they reported that the beasts were having a black manly face, with two silver eyes and a horribly twisted mouth. The head was attached to an owl’s body covered by shiny steel feathers that radiated an eerie shade of blue.

They hovered above the ground like humming birds before they spotted Malden and swooped down to her.

The first, second and third... were sliced open by Malkass’ thin cutlass. The twelve then focused their attention on him and shot fireballs at him from their claws. Slokum jumped in the way and swallowed the projectiles.

One of the Styraxi- Styraxus in singular flew up behind Malkass who turned and looked straight into its eyes.

He felt an icy feeling closely followed by a hardening wave spread upwards through his feet.

‘Ainhydras!’ Malden shouted and a pink light flowed from her hand to the Styraxus which blew up a second later.

[Rivalis] Slokum said [And next time be careful.] The feeling vanished and Malkass was mobile again and he threw his sword at an incoming Styraxus. Slokum grew in size till he was as big as a Saint Bernard and he smacked two Styraxi in mid-air to the ground. The remaining five took flight and disappeared.

‘You are a witch?’ Malkass asked as the sword landed on his open palm.

‘No! Am a Gifted,’ Malden replied passing her hand over Slokum’s cuts. ‘How did you know Styraxi were coming?’ Slokum wagged his tail in appreciation when she finished healing him.

‘I just felt a wave of wrongness in the air approach me and it also felt like scratchy notes.’ He told her.

‘I see. You do know you have special powers in you?’

‘Not really. I can only talk to Slokum and most animals nothing else and yeah wield a sword,’ answered Malkass sheathing his sword.

‘I can see your aura. You have what we call Multise Magic in you. If you know how to use it, i promise you that you will be the greatest Styfler and most powerful person alive.’

‘Thanks for the flattery cum pep-talk cum motivational speech but you must have been addled by the Styraxi. Go see a physician,’ Malkass said and before she could retort he continued, ‘I really have to get going thanks for the help.’

He got up and started leaving. He did not feel something slip out of his pocket and fall to the ground.

At dusk as Malden closed up for the day, she saw the pendant lying on the ground. She picked it up, examined it and gave an inaudible gasp out of shock and then excitement.

‘Could it be,’ she wondered. She removed a similar one from round her neck. It too was a golden half moon, hollow star- a perfect fit with the one in her hand. She wore both of them and left for home.

Meanwhile, Malkass was busy fishing when Slokum came back with two rabbits in his mouth. He deposited them at Malkass’ feet and went near the fire. Malkass skinned the rabbits and roasted them over the fire when he had no luck in fishing.

After eating the game with bread they went off to sleep. He dreamt that he was sleeping in a forest when a bear charged over to him only to change to a Styraxi. He was shuddering and felt scratchiness in the morning air. He felt Slokum bristling but very quiet.

‘Wankaratta!’ he muttered. An invisible green fire surrounded the two and their chattel. He held his cutlass near him just in case. The Styraxi surrounded the area in a great multitude numbering to over one hundred and fifty.

<I saw them here> a Styraxus said hovering just above them.

<Maybe they left we can still pursue and get them ahead> another suggested. They all took to the air and flew off.

‘Looking for us,’ Malkass whispered, ‘Imagine if they found us-’

<What would you do> a Styraxus finished for him. He felt the fire evaporate leaving them unprotected. The two looked aside and Malkass’ blade flashed. Five Styraxi fell down dead. Slokum enlarged to a horse and Malkass’ quickly boarded him.

Slokum galloped away and the Styraxi followed in hot pursuit.

‘Ainhydras!’ Malkass yelled pointing with his sword slicing the air. Silver light cut ten more Styraxi from the weapon.

‘I’ll have to do it!’ Malkass whispered to Slokum and jumped off.

[You’ll be wasted but we have no choice. Wish you luck] Slokum said. He shifted back to terrier then instantly to a housefly and settled in Malkass’ hair.

‘DESTRUCTO INFERNO!’ he yelled. Silver and gold flames rose from his heart to his hands and he poured the flames on the incoming Styraxi. Half of them died instantly as the rest put up a shield.

Malkass powered up again and shouted, ‘DESTRUCTO TITALLA!’

Yellow and gold flames burned up half of the survivors and the rest put up a second shield.

He dropped to the ground as fatigue and exhaustion set in. He tried to power up again and shouted, ‘DESTRUCTO FINITE!’

Red and gold flames flickered dimly before his palms. He looked up to see forty-nine Styraxi swoop down upon him before he blacked out...

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