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Chapter 2 | America's Most Wanted

It was the crack of dawn when I woke up in my terribly uncomfortable motel bed, I held a part of my back in pain as I stood up and yawned.

Today was the day, I finally get to meet America's most wanted. A vast majority of people would be terrified, but I couldn't wait.

I met up with Rose and Julian in the lobby of Sagamore, where Dr. Sutton was speaking to one of the patients. His smile sparked up the dimly lit room as his eyes landed on us. It was obvious he was just as eager as I was.

"Goodmorning Dr. Sutton."

"Just call me Sutton, Doctor gets a little too annoying sometimes." He chuckled.

We were led into the room I had passed yesterday, the room with the padlock and the ducktaped window.

Inside, was a weary Christopher Brown. He was sitting up against the wall on his air mattress, his head was down and his arms were crossed below his chest.

The room was completely empty, he had a sheet covering his mattress with an orange book lying next to him.

When the door shut is when his eyes met ours.

"Hello Christopher, how are you feeling this morning?" Dr. Sutton questioned as he stood up right.

"Who are they?" Christopher asked, his eyes stayed locked on the doctor.

"This is Dayanara, Rose and Julian." He smiled. "They'll be assisting me these next two months."

"Assisting you for what?"

"Your evaulation, Christopher."

He chuckled, but not genuinely. It was sarcastic more than anything.

"You know, it'd be nice to have a TV in here, or a real bed."

"If you want a TV I can get you a TV, that's no issue."

"I'd highly fucking appreciate it." Christopher spat, stretching his arms out in front of him.

I stood quietly in the corner as I watched him and Sutton converse, until he gave his attention to me..

"What did you say your name was?"


"That is very, divine.."

"Thank you."

"So.. Christopher how did you sleep? Had any dreams of some sort?" Sutton asked, trying to break the attention that was drawn on me.

"I slept great, no dreams, just the darkness." America's most wanted spoke with no expression, and his eyes never left mine.

"Is there a reason why you won't stop staring at my intern?"

Christopher chuckled deviously as he snapped out of his daze. "She's lavishing Doc, I can't help it." He shrugged.

It was definitley irrefutable that I was blushing at this point. A serial killer was making me blush, how stupendous.

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