running away.
running away from home is easy. all you have to do is pack your bags..hop on a bus..and there you have it: you've officially ran away. it's easy..but its the staying away thats tough. you know why? because your knows that running away is wrong. running away is not the matter how right you think it is.
its wrong...and sad...running away I mean. i think people run away because they don't want to deal with life anymore....or that wherever they stayed never really felt like home...not because you feel "awesome" or because they wanted to "be cool" like others say...running away is easy but its the staying away that would be tough...
it would be tough because you'd probably think about every happy moment from what you ran away from.... then you would so sad and guilty about running away you really want to come back! but you have to stay...then you remember your friends or family.... that's the toughest part....but then you come back and everyone is simultaneously happy or mad....
anyways! running away isn't cool...but if you ever get that feeling to run away....message me first...k? so thats it folks but just know that....running away from home is easy. all you have to do is pack your bags..hop on a bus..and there you have it: you've officially ran away. its easy...but its the staying away that's tough...
strange thoughts of a teenage boy...
Thơ caEvery time someone dies...someone is born.... Death is beauty.... The strange part of loving someone is that you dont know you love them until they love you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ just what I think of strange world...