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Whoever that girl was, she was interesting.

She obviously doesn't go to college because I haven't seen her before today.

The only thing I know about her is she's Cindy's step sib.

So...maybe getting on Cindy's good side will work out in my favor.

"Alright, it looks like we're out of time for today. I'll post your scores on the school website by tonight." the Professor announced, dismissing the class, "Cindy, Vanitas, can I see you two for a moment?" she added.

I rolled my eyes and got up from a desk in the back of the stadium theater styled classroom and sauntered up to the front of the room.

Meanwhile, Cindy rushed up to the front of the room - most likely to blame the entire project on me. 

What she didn't know is I have an in with the professor.

"Is that true, Vanitas? Did you sabotage Cindy's report?" our professor questioned.

Cindy crossed her arms and pursed her lips as she stared at me, waiting for me to fold like a lawn chair.

She didn't know me very well.

I just shrugged my shoulders, "I couldn't get my car to start."

"Oh, you see that Cindy? His tardiness was out of his control. I think you owe Vanitas an apology." the professor said as she gathered her things and left the classroom.

That left just Cindy and I in the room.

After Cindy picked her jaw up off the floor she said, "Oh, you are such a liar!"

I rolled my shoulders, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're a total motorhead. There's no way your motorcycle would just not start." Cindy said.

"Well, there's a first time for everything." I said, brushing her off before I smirked and said, "No, I'm just screwing with you. I did sabotage you."

Cindy growled and yelled, "I knew it!" before she shoulder-checked me and left the room.

Okay, so getting on Cindy's good side was going to be too hard because rattling her cage was too easy.

But I did the next best thing. I swiped her cell phone when she wasn't looking.

As I walked to the parking garage I checked the contacts list, but ___ wasn't listed.

There was someone named BUTTFACE though...

I checked the recent calls and wouldn't you know it... BUTTFACE was the last person Cindy called.

Could Buttface be Cindy's code for ___?

There's only one way to find out...


You got off the city bus and at a street that was lined with cute little boutiques and antique shops. 

You entered a boutique that was called Wonderland that was spelled out in big lavender letters above a set of glass double doors. 

When you stepped inside a frazzled looking woman in her late 40's rushed up to you. She had long blonde hair that was being kept out of her face with the use of a cute black ribbon. She had bright blue eyes - or, she did in her childhood perhaps. Now they were a little faded, but still striking. Today she was wearing a blue dress and a white apron over it, nylon stockings, and black ballet flats.  Her name was Alice Liddell.

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