"Lads, it's our last concert in America. Is it going to be the best one yet?" Liam said with and excited look on his face.
"I can't wait to see all the fans. Reading their signs is my favorite part and of course seeing all the cute girls in the crowd," Harry gives a wink while laughing at his statement.
The boys look over at Niall who is sitting on the couch looking bummed. Not normal seeing as how Niall is always up beat and happy.
Zayn walks over to Niall and starts to put his arm around him, "Hey, bud, are you alright?"
"We have played 55 concerts in America and I still haven't found my princess in the crowd yet. It's depressing ya know? Like I'm not good enough for anybody."
"Niall, you know we've seen millions of girls and you're not just going to 'see the one.' You're gonna have to get to know a girl first. Talk to her," Louis said as nicely as possible.
Niall looked up at all of them and without hesitation, "That's what you guys don't understand. I will know she's the one when I see her. Love at first sight. Someone I'll want to get to know." He stood up and started walking over to the counter to make some tea.
"Maybe you'll see her tonight," Harry had tried giving support. He knew Niall has been wanting to meet his princess for quite a while now and his patience was running thin. It was killing him knowing there's millions of girls out there but none of them have stuck out to him yet.
"Maybe. Anyway, I'm gonna go get some sleep before the concert. Wake me up in an hour so we can rehearse." Niall walked away and into a private room with a couch.
Zayn almost felt bad for Niall, "We have to help him."
Liam's eyebrows raised, "And how do you expect us to do that? It's his choice who his princess is going to be."
"We are his best friends who are with him every single day. We know what he looks for in a girl and we can see if we spot any in the crowd," Zayn smiled at the thought of helping Niall out.
The rest of the boys nodded their heads in agreement and all went their seperate ways to prepare for their concert.

She's The One - One Direction
FanfictionNiall finally spots his princess in the crowd and decides to approach her after the show. They go on journeys together but can his fame ruin their relationship. She's not used to the bullying and hatred she's getting from certain fans. Can the stick...