Chapter 5

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" Ring ring !! " My phone buzzing . " Hello ?" It was 3:38 in the morning . " Is this Sarah ?" A deep voice said . " Yes , why ? Who is this ?" I said yawning . " This is the police , you're mother got in the worst car accident , she was driving while texting and she ran into a gasoline truck , the car you're mother was in burned . She tired to get outta the car but the car door would not open . I'm sorry for your lost . "

My eyes shot up , I started crying so hard . I didn't know what to do . I was all alone now . I had nobody . I asked the police where do I go , what do I do , w-w-what . I start crying harder . The police told me to go to the hospital . I did . I drove as fast as I could . Firetrucks were everywhere ! I drove even faster . I finally got to the hospital , the police was waiting for me . He walked me up to the room my mother was in . I saw her , " s-s-she's d-dead !! " I screamed . Her whole body covered in char .  I scream trying to kill myself . I couldn't explain my emotions .

" SARAH , SARAH !!! " Ashley ran up to me . " I'M SO SORRYYY !!! " She started crying as well . We hugged each other for so long .

I wanted to die , I wanted to be with my mother . I had no one . No more family . My life was over .

I slept in the room my mother was in . Still crying , Ashley stayed with me the whole night . " I can't believe she's dead ! " I sobbed . Ashley was wipping her tears away , while I just sat there , with tears everywhere . ):

" Sweety ?! " , Sweety , WAKE UP !!! " " Aaaahhhhhhhh !!! " I screamed while waking up . I find myself soaking wet . " Is this real ?" I said still crying . " Yes baby girl ." My mom said hugging me . " You scared the shit outta me , I heard you screaming in your sleep , I ran in here as fast as I could .. " I hugged for like 7 billion hours . I told her everything . She looked at me like I was crazy . I told her how muched I loved her and how I never want to lose you . She smiled , and told me to jump in the shower .

As I get in , I wonder why the hell would I have that kinda dream ? I'm glad it wasn't real . I let the water stream down my body , it was now 6;48 . I did my routine for school . And when I walk out the door I see someone I had totally forgot about , could it be ?

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