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-sorry its short-

A long time passed, Lisa left him to calm down on his own, now his stomach was making funny noises and but he didn't feel like he was going to throw up anymore. The room he was in was very pink, even the carpet under his curled up frame was pink. He didn't dare to move from his spot, still too overwhelmed by the day's turn of events.

Lisa didn't come back to see him because he was a bad boy, no one wanted to see bad boys. Sometimes when he naughty at home, Tyler put him in timeout so that he could calm down. He didn't like timeout at this place and Lisa shut the door. He wasn't allowed to leave.

His breathing began to pick up, it was just like when he was with his Mommy and Daddy. He wasn't allowed to leave or make noise. He was suck here because Lilly and Hannah sent him away, he shouldn't have yelled and cried at them.

Lisa was stood outside the door, listening to this new child cry his eyes out. She didn't know what to do, usually she gave a new child in her home time to themselves. She knew how hard it could be to get ripped out of one place and put into a new one for a short time, that's what made her home such a great place to use as a temporary stopping place. Lisa was kind and quirky, she made the children who stayed with her feel loved.

Jenn was an exception, Lisa adopted her when she realized that Jenn getting moved around and around was increasing her panic disorder. Since Lisa adopted her Jenn has been a happier little girl. Jenn was Lisa's toughest child to stay with her, until Troye. Even Jenn stopped crying long enough to have a conversation with her, but Troye wouldn't even communicate or acknowledge Lisa. She knew nothing about this terrified boy.

He'd been in her home for almost 3 hours and still hadn't moved, she'd been on hold with the state for a majority of that time also. She didn't want to send Troye away, she just wanted to get a copy of his file.

Lisa huffed and walked away from Troye's door, she needed to learn about this boy. She recalled Naomi saying that Troye was placed in a group child center maybe he could start his search there. She did the only thing she could think of and googled locations of group child centers in her area.

Several different places popped up in her first search a couple miles away from her home. To which said they shut down in the past six months, only leaving her with two options- Good Life Care and The Helping House. The second of which was furthest away from her. She quickly dialed the number for Good Life Care and hope for the best.

"hello this is Good Life, Nancy speaking" a woman said

"hi my name is Lisa Swarts I'm a temporary foster parent in the area. I just got a new boy into my home named Troye I was wondering if he came from your center" Lisa said

"I'm not sure, do you have a last name?" Nancy said

"no, I only know his name is Troye. He has brown curly hair and blue eyes with the birthmark under one of them" she said

"I'm the director of the center and I'm sorry to say that I never seen a boy like that here, I'm really sorry I'm not much help" Nancy said "we are mostly female center we don't house many boys and he doesn't sound familiar"

"oh I see well thank you anyway for your help" Lisa said

"no problem good luck with your search" the women chirped

"thanks, I'm gonna need it" Lisa said

Lisa hung up, she was secretly hoping that the closer home would be the key to finding out more about Troye,'s but at this point she would try anywhere because all she wanted was for Troye stop crying.

"hi my name is Lisa Schwartz is this The Helping House?" She said

"yes this is Kevin how can I help you?"

"I run a temporary foster home and a boy named Troye was just placed in my care. I was wondering if you had any information about him. The social worker that brought him here said he was in a group home in the area" Lisa explained

"I'm sorry" Kevin said "I don't have anyone in the system named Troye in the past year"

"are you sure" Lisa said desperately

"unfortunately I'm sure" Kevin said with a pause "but there is a private home owned by a woman named Hannah A few miles from here"

"really! Do you have any way I can contact them" Lisa said

Kevin laughed "she's our competition in adoptions so no, we don't have any contact with her Center but..... It's called A Home For Hearts if that helps"

"thank you!" Lisa said excitedly. A least it wasn't a dead end, she had a glimmer of hope


"How could you let them do that!" Tyler screamed

Lilly looked at the fuming boy in shock, Tyler had never been one to raise his voice, even when he was frustrated. She didn't know what to say or do, she was useless in this situation as Tyler got more and more angry.

"How could you!" he yelled again, angry tears spilling from his eyes "He was my best friend and you just let him go"

"Tyler..." Hannah said, moving from the corner of the room

"No!" he yelled "This is your fault too. Everyone I let get close to me gets taken away, why did you do this Hannah!"

"Honey listen this...was out of my control I can't argue with orders from the state. They had a warrant and-"

"You didn't even try! He's my best friend"

"I know honey" Hannah said

Tyler pushed passed her without a care, using force to move her body out of his way "I hate you" he spit "I hate you and I hate this place, I hate every single person in it. Fuck all of you I can't wait to get the hell out of here and be on my own"

"Enough" Grace said, stepping in "Tyler, you don't mean that"

"Yes I do." he growled, no one understood him, he felt alone and angry. He didn't trust anyone because no one except Troye proved themselves to him. Person after person was ripped away from him, nothing felt grounded his life was a elusive and unsteady. He was sick of felling like he was at sea, he wanted to find sold ground, Troye was his first taste of that. perhaps it was all a mirage.

"I wish I was never born, I wish that my stupid mom left me somewhere else or never ever had me" He said sadly, his voice cracking with tears "everyone would be better off" he whispered at the end, leaving the three adults in Lilly's office as he walked up to his empty room. 

He was giving up, what was the point if no one ever lasted. 


A/N: Sorry if its a mess, the chapter and I have something in common (yikes). 

Who do you think is handling it worse, Tyler or Troye? Any predictions? 

Anyway, Good luck with your life


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