Harlem Nights

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Moving. Traveling, escaping. These were the only things that I every truly wanted. The rush I got from just speeding down the highway was incredible. Every since I was a kid I've always wanted to get away. But not just get away, I wanted to stay away. And now that I'm doing what I've always wished I could do its so...so, I'm speechless. It's always been the small things that have brought pleasure, and happiness to me. And right now I couldn't possible be happier.

I took my Canon EOS Rebel T3i out of my camera bag and looked out the window to the rising sun. The sky, like a canvas covered in splashes of deep orange, and careless strokes of purple. I snapped countless amounts of pictures. I then turned to look at my friends who I had almost forgot were in the car.

There was Niaomi. She was the girl that everyone sees and has to stop and look at. She had an adorable Marilyn Monroe mole, sorta chinky eyes, a bright smile that was complimented by plump pink lips, and light Caramel like skin. Niaomi to me was beautiful. She was driving my jeep, and she looked so focused while driving like a little old lady. I snapped a few pics.

'Why would you do that knowing damn well I look a mess right now' I slightly chuckled.

'Your face at that very moment was beautiful to me.' I said truthfully, my friends don't compliment themselves for how pretty, and often feel that they aren't pretty enough for the average jerks that they go for. So I compliment them all the time, it's just something I do.

' Really?' She said scrunching her lips together.

'As beautiful as seeing the stars for the first time ever' I reassured her.

'You always make everything sound like a poem, haha'

I smirked and shrugged, ' what can I say, all my life consists of is writing. Poems, stories, songs, hey, I do it all.'

We shared a couple of laughs before I turned to Keda. She had rap music blaring out of her Beats by Dre, and she was writing in her note book. I slide my camera around and snapped a couple of pictures. She barley even noticed. I stared at her with my camera up as if I was about to take a picture when she started dancing out of no where. I couldn't contain my laughter any more and I began to laugh.

'Hahaha, what are you doing?' I asked while still laugh, if you could see this face she was making you would laugh too.

'You look like you have to pee' when I said that she began to nodded fast, while her eyes stayed opened wide.

'Oh. We need a rest stop.' I say to Niaomi and she nodded while taking out her phone.

'Here, call Dre and tell him to stop.' She said while handing me her phone. Dre was my brother, and he was driving I front of us in a U-haul that contained our belongings. I took her phone and went to her contacts searching for his number. They weren't even in alphabetical order, I still have know idea how or why she had it like this.





Of course she would have something like that by his name. She has always had a crush on him, and I find it adorable. I dialed his number and waited for an answer.

'What up' he finally answered. I squinted my eyes at the heavily bumping music. He probably knew exactly what I was about to say, and so he turned down the music.

'I know,I know the music is to loud.' He paused allowing a hardy laugh to roar from his throat.'Whats wrong now?'

'Key has to pee'

'Ha, that rhymed'

'Shh, Niaomi' I glared at her for a bit before turning my attention back to the phone.

'I know we are close to being there but it will take longer if Key pees in my car' I raised my eyebrows waiting for an answer.

'But we could've been there ten million years ago' he stressed. I giggled at how dramatic he was.

'Please Dreo' I knew this would get him. He sighed.

'Al-alright, I guess if all she has to do is pee than we can stop'

'Thanks big bro, love you' I smiled. I've always had a great relationship with my brother. Other than our style, and music choices we were just alike.

'Love you to sis, and one more thing?'


'Dont ever use that nickname, you know I can't say no when you use it.'

' yes know, and that's why I use it.'

'Ya, whatever. Bye' he hung up the phone. I laughed to myself. I love him.


After our little bathroom stop, turned into a full blown grocery shopping trip, we were two hours behind.

We finally pulled up to our building. I got out before anyone else, smiling like I had just won the lottery. I stood in front of the building for a while, taking it all in. With bricks that ranged form dark to light reds, windows as high as six stories, some balconies, and a fire escape on the side it was perfect. I held my camera to my face, and just as I snapped the picture, a small boy ran by. I looked at the image, I had capture the moment perfectly. This was my home. In a city that held so many secrets and hidden treasures. I can wait to explore.


That was he first chapter of what probably be my favorite story that I will write. Vote, comment, follow,and tell your friends. .

P.s. Not edited, yet.

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