
26 0 0

April 3, 2013 Friday

I stood there for a few more seconds soaking it in.

My ' connecting moment' ended very shortly when heard a voice screech

" Finally, you here " the short, chunky Asian man spoke angrily making his way to me.

" You at to hours late I was about to leave. Where were you!?! "

I fixed my mouth to reply, but taken back by his very rude, yet panicky manner nothing came out.

" Look, I have no time for this, here are you keys." He took the keys from his pocket. I reached for them, but he snatched them back expeditiously.

" Money?" I reached to my bag unzipping the side. Just as I reached the money,

" NO!" He yelled. He leaned in closer to me motioning for me to do the same.

" Not here." He said as he nodded indirectly across the street. I stared at him for a bit, I'm beginning to think his not completely correct in the head. Still, I followed his eyes across the street, and my sights landed on a group of boys. Well, men and boys. They were all sitting or standing I front of the building across from ours. Some of them were smoking while others talked among themselves, but one kept his eyes connected to mine. He leaned over to one of his friends the apparently had something to do with us, because the whole group looked over at us.

" Uh, let's go inside." My landlord, whose name I still don't know, said as he walked towards the building.

"O-okay." I said as I tried to tear my eyes away from the guy. His hair stood in an Afro. His skin that of a person with interracial parents. His lips pink and plump, I would love to kis-

"Jay!" My brother screamed, snapping me out of my fantasies.

"S-sorry, here I come."


"Okay, here we are. Apartment 24." He said, I still haven't learned his name.

"Thanks mister...?" Said Naomi once he gave her a copy of the key.

"Oh, my name Mr.Cheung (Chung)." Finally. I thought I'd never learn his name.

"Wait, where my apartment?" Questioned Dre.

" Well, I thought that by this time the people in 23 wouldn't have paid me, but they did. So you now have apartment 3." Dre looked pretty bummed, but didn't question as he made his way to his apartment .

"It's okay bro. There's only four floors in between us. You can come visit anytime you want." I smiled while patting his back. He smiled back, gave me the keys to the U-haul and continued down the stairs.

I turned to the girls," Okay let's get started." They gave me annoyed looks as I walked down the steps but I didn't care we need to start moving our stuff in before gets dark. Also I couldn't wait to get completely on packed, and settled in to our new home.


I know this is kinda uninteresting, but I had to add a filler chapter for some of the characters.

Hope you like it ☮

P.s I meditated for the first time ever yesterday. I cleansed my Chakras, and I feel great.

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