"Let it not get between us." (Harry)

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She sat on the bed running a brush through her dark hair, her mind preoccupied by the fight she and Harry had earlier. Minutes passed with her repeating her actions, idly, before Harry entered their shared bedroom. She gave him a fleeting look which he returned, holding the gaze for a couple of mini seconds before he turned to make his way towards the cupboard. Shuffling noises were followed by a smack as the wooden door was shut and Harry traipsed to the bathroom.

She sighed as she put her brush on the bedside table and tried to push him away from his thoughts. Push his harsh words from an hour ago, too. While her eyes stung at his ignorance, she still tried to stay strong as she lay on her side of the bed, completely burying herself under the covers.

No matter how comforting and warm they were, she still craved the warmth that her Harry provided when he tucked her into his embrace. Her back fit perfectly into his body as he enveloped her in his huge arms. But without him, she felt empty and cold.

Just as she closed her eyes preparing to drift into peaceful slumber, in an attempt to escape the stupid fight, Harry emerged from the bathroom dressed in a casual tee and grey sweats. For a moment she thought he would leave the room and sleep in the spare one, like all other times, instead of sharing a bed with her. But she was proved wrong as Harry lightly jumped into his side of the bed. She felt the bed dip while she turned on her side so her back faced Harry.

A tear slipped from her eyes but she was determined not to let Harry see it. He may have called her rude stuff, but it was plainly her fault and she realized it. She shouldn't have been so over friendly to those guy in the club. This completely explained Harry's rude behaviour. But what triggered her annoyance right now was how Harry was having petty trust issues. Even after three years together why did he always need a proof that she belonged to him and only him?

She felt the bed shift again, from behind her lidded eyes, as an arm snaked it's way across her waist. Before she could open her mouth to speak or argue, Harry's voice filled the quiet room.

"Let it not get between us."

One simple sentence and she melted in his arms. Six words from his full lips and she let herself loose, drinking in his Burberry cologne that always manged to soothe her and turn her on. She nodded as he pulled her further close to him.

Feeling his taut muscles draped all over her petite body, a sense of fullness and reassurance roared in her. She opened her mouth to apologise but Harry beat her to it again.

"I'm sorry, kitten. I love you too much and I do stupid things. Don't get mad. Please?"

How could she now deny his sugary tone? She nodded again, unable to utter sentences. For she was fully aware that if she attempted to speak, her voice would crack and Harry would know.

But she decided to voiceferate her thoughts, "I love you so much, Harry. More than you can imagine. And I wouldn't give you up for the world, you know? You don't have to be jealous. I'll never leave you. You don't, either."

It was Harry's chance to nod. He pecked her lightly on her shoulder, the only part of her body that was exposed from her thin white tank top, and buried his nose in her hair, sniffing lightly.

"I believe you, beautiful. And I'll never leave. Forgive me?"

She smiled lightly, feeling content at having her Harry back. "Who can't?" She shot back, playfully.

He sighed, in bliss of having her happy in his arms again. In his protection again. Even though it had only been an hour since they had been apart, after the fight, he felt too bad to have blamed her for any of it and he wanted nothing in the world but to apologise, which he did.

"Good night, Harry."

"Good night, baby girl." He said as they both drifted off to dreamland, happy at accomplishing faith in each other, that none of them was ever going to break.

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