dragged away

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June read through the spellbook as they walked through the woods and almost gagged. Some of the spells were disgusting, and Deadshot noticed her uneasiness.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"Some of these are awful."

He leaned over to look at the book.

"Well, I mean, yeah, just look at that handwriting."

"No. This spell makes the victim bleed out of every hole in their body." she explained.

"So, like you ladies when it's that time of the month?"

Rick laughed pretty hard at that, and June couldn't help but laugh too. He could be so serious sometimes, yet he always had kept his humor. She had found that hard to do, even before Enchantress. She had always been too serious about everything. Always planning things out two weeks in advance, but after Enchantress, she realized that you couldn't plan everything in life.

Sometimes June was actually thankful for the witch. Without her, she never would have met Rick.

God, she loved him so much. June thought as they walked.

She looked over to him and he smiled at her. She loved that smile.

They walked for hours on end until Harley, once again refused to walk anymore. This time, everyone stopped instead of forcing her to keep moving.

June sat next to Rick on the ground and watched the sun set beyond the trees as night began to fall. He looked at the GPS in his hands.

"Ten more miles, huh? Think we can make it by tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yeah, if Harley doesn't act like a five year old." he replied.

"I guess that's just her thing. Like our thing is PDA on missions."

"Who said that was our thing?" Rick asked.

"I did." she said, kissing him.

She hadn't done that in a few days and she couldn't take it anymore.

They kissed passionately until it turned into a full on makeout session, and Rick's shirt was off. Then a flashlight hit June and someone cleared their throat.

Private Mason.

"Bad time?" he asked, sarcastically.

"You think?" June shot back.

Her swollen lips decided that it was time to call it a night, while Rick talked with the other SEALs.

June slept peacefully until she awoke to a hand over her mouth and something cold at her throat.

"Make any noise, I'll kill you, and him." her assailant whispered in her ear as they began dragging her away.

A/N: hey loves! i'm so sorry about the lack of updates recently and the shittiness of this chapter! my mom's been in the hospital with appendicitis, and with dad overseas, i've had to stay with her. that means i had to deal with doctors while trying to crank out a new chapter for you amazing people, and it isn't easy! thank you guys for understanding, and you guys are fucking killing it with the reads! 

-xoxo Harley Quinn

i love you too, cowboy. rick flag/june mooneWhere stories live. Discover now