The start

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i woke up looked at my phone it was 4pm damn i slept way to long considering i had the best graduation party last night i got up brushed my teeth and walked downstairs i saw my brother Michael , his friend Chris and my cousin Trell

"had a rough night sleepy head" Michael said laughing

i flicked him off laughing he sat a pink little box infront of me i wasted no time ripping it open i saw pink car keys in it i ran outside and saw a Matte black Mercedes truck G-class with a big blue bow on it i ran back inside jumping on Michael back

"thank you sooo much" i said kissing
all over his face

"your welcome now get the hell off of me" he said laughing

i got up and sat on the kitchen counter Michael stood next to me

"um" he said looking down

"what?" i said

"i am going on tour again ....for 5 months" he said mumbling the last part.

"5 Months are you serious TYGA!" i said getting off the counter

"man what i tell you about that tyga shit its Michael to you kae " he got up getting in my face

Trell hopped up getting between us i stormed past them both i went upstairs got in the shower i put on my last kings white tshirt , my high waisted shorts , and chucks i grabbed my phone and purse and car keys i walked downstairs past them all

"where the fuck you going with shorts on " he said

i ignored him walking out the front door i got in my jeep and pulled off about 35mins laters i pulled up at my boyfriends house it was a silver suv in his driveway ..i thought it was one of his boys or something ...he lives alone he's 22 Michael never liked him but anyway i knocked on the door about 10mins later he came to the door with boxers on

"Kae baby what are you doing here" he said walking outside with me shutting the door

"Move Eric ..Move" i pushed past him walking. inside upstairs to his bedroom

he came following behind me i pushed open his bedroom door and saw a half naked chick sitting on his bed i turned around and looked at him he was just standing there scratching his head

"seriously Eric did this to me ...after 3years" i said holding back the tears

he didn't even say anything i looked at him i took off the promise ring he gave me and threw it right in his face i stormed outside i got in my car i was furious this day is the worst day ever i decided to drive back home i prepared myself for Michael mouth i pulled up outside i walked in the house Michael looked at me

"that look on your face shows that your pregnant or being cheated on" he said in all seriousness

i looked at him for some reason i just started bussing out crying he walked over to me and gave me a hug Trell and chris was still playing the game

"i-i wanted to s-s-see him and there w-was another girl in his bed" i managed to. get out

"he gone regret that hoe ...your amazing dont cry over him" he said rubbing my back

i smiled at him he was right i should not be crying

"ok i have something else to tell you dont get mad" he said

i nodded in approval

"me and Trell leave today for the tour" he blurted out

i got up "TODAY.....are you fucking kidding me whose gonna be with me"

he pointed to chris. "chris said he will"

i looked over at chris "he could be a killer he never talks only when he's on stage ....WHY IS HE SO SILENT"


"he is not a killer kae" i said laughing

she started walking upstairs yelling "i wish i couldve died with mom and dad in that crash instead of having tyga as my brother"

i heard her room door shut i sat next to trell

i scratched my head "did she really just say that shit?"

"just give her some time shes a little angry about her boyfriend now your leaving " Trell said

"well we gotta leave anyway she will get over it" i said

about hour later i told chris all the rules i was in the car on my way to the airport i sent kae this long ass text message and drifted off to sleep


i fell asleep i woke up a little later i checked my phone i saw i had a text message from Michael it read

"kae im sorry i had to leave you and i didnt know that you would of rather died then be with me that shit really hurt me i do everything for you i started this rap shit for us to have a better life ...what if i was still hustling kae? i would of got locked up and you would of been in foster care some where think about that shit chris is downstairs i love you baby sis be safe ❤️" it read

i felt myself crying a little bit i walked downstairs and saw chris sitting on the couch texting i rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen and got my fruit bowl out the fridge and sat across from Chris

i was just sitting there eating my fruit looking at him he was like a puzzle missing pieces i was tranna figure him out ...its something about him ..

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