Just A Little

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Its been exactly one month since Michael was released from the hospital wayne beefed up the security on him and honey...me also considering the fact I'm his little sister and his world

I was sitting at honey's house sitting on the couch with Chris laying on my lap..just to get the record straight no we are NOT dating...we..we are just friends...that kiss a lot...

but anyway about a week ago i moved in with honey she's like the big sister i always wanted ..i moved in with honey because chy is still living with Ty...i guess there a thing now but i honestly don't care

i was snapped out of my thoughts by Chris stirring in his sleep then he jumped up breathing heavy

"Chris you ok?" i said looking at him

"Yea...just a bad dream" he said lying his head back on my lap

i kissed the top of his forehead

"All that gay nigga shit" he said causing me to laugh non stop

he flipped us over on the couch as he was laying on top of me between my legs as he started to kiss my neck
i closed my eyes as the soft moans slipped between my lips

"Mmm" i moaned out as he sucked the sweet spot on my neck

"You like that?" he said in a husky tone

i couldn't even say anything all i did was let out a loud gasp as he bit aggressively in my neck

honey came in the living room...

"Not on my sofa hell nopee" she said laughing

Chris Sat up from between my legs

"you just mad cause you ain't getting none" he laughed

Honey smacked the back of his head

He laughed "Keep fucking with me shrimp fried rice"

She put up her middle finger
"Well I'm going to the studio ...I'll be back later"

she walked out the front door i looked over at Chris and saw him smiling texting on his phone

"Who you texting?" i said getting a little jealous

"Nobody" he said blankly sitting his phone back down

"Mhm" i reached over grabbing his phone

he snatched it out of my hand looking at me

"You aint my bitch ...so why you worried? Damn" he said grabbing his jean jacket off the chair slamming the door

I sat there looking so confused at why he just snapped at me like that . So i decided to take a nap for a little while.

I was woken by the sound of laughing coming from the kitchen

I got up stretching walking into the kitchen and i saw Ty , chyna , honey and Chris sitting around talking

"Hey sleepy head" honey said laughing

I scrunched up my face at Chris after what happened earlier...I'm done

"Wssp kae" Michael said looking at me

"Hey Tyga" i said walking out the kitchen into my room

I stripped out of my clothes turning the shower on warm i stepped


Chris Point Of View

I was sitting in the kitchen talking to Honey , Ty and Chyna

then kae walked in

"Hey sleepy head" honey said laughing

She scrunched up her face at me after what happened earlier..

"Wssp kae" Ty said looking at her

"Hey Tyga" she said walking out the kitchen

I rubbed my hand down my face

I didn't mean to snap at here earlier but the press and my lawyer has been stressing me out about this plea deal..That i refuse to take

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing , i stepped into the living room answering it

"Hello" i said sitting on the couch

"Chris I'm in the city...we should hang out" she said through the phone

Just from hearing that thick country accent i already knew it was Lia...now me and Lia been fucking around for years ..she's a stripper from ATL..like we just fuck buddies ..and i pay her bills thats all .

"what kinda hang you mean?" i said licking my lips

"Nice ..and..slow daddy" she said in a seductive tone

"Be there in 20" i said hanging up the phone

I walked into the kitchen

"Ight y'all I'm out " i said

"booty call?" ty said laughing

"You know it.." i said walking out the front door


Kae Point Of View

I got out the shower wrapping my towel around my body walking to my bedroom .

I just decided to be relaxed , so i put on some sweat pants and a sports bra

I walked into the living room and saw my brother and Chyna sitting on one couch and Honey sitting in the lazy boy recliner

I jumped on her lap "Asiannnnn" i laughed

she pushed me on the floor "Don't ever sneak up on a thug " she laughed

i got up off the floor sitting on the other couch , and joined them watching TV

Honey turned on TMZ

ty laughed "Why you watched this shit"

"Shit i know half of them be our friends but i'm nosey" honey laughed

"So we got superstar Chris Brown coming out of the hilton downtown LA just a few minutes ago with Lia Martinez ..." the guy with the blonde hair said as the pictures of them holding hands flashed Across the screen

my heart dropped in my stomach

"Lia martinez?....you guys know she's a stripper..apparently from an inside source they been fooling around for years now" the lady said

Ty and Honey were laughing "Those bitches nosey as shit...he just left"




that was just a filler chapter to keep Y'all posted

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