Chapter 5

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I can hear everyone cheering they surrounded us like lost puppies waiting for their masters ah there it is the excitement that I thought I could never get to experience I started my engine taunting Lucas "now" yelled someone not wanting to be in the middle of the two cars racing and like that I sprinted full speed not caring to look back there was no stopping me I was flying it felt like I was crossing the line between the heavens and earth lame I know but for a moment there I felt free I looked at my mirror to see Lucas red Lamborghini next to me , I smirked and shot him a wink which caused him to lose control of the wheel I laughed he wasn't injured he regained control again but by that time I was already at the finish line .
"Omg omg omg Amazing Flames "said my friend Lisi walking closer to me I open the door to be attacked by another bone crushing hug .
"Lisi calm down is not like I was going to lose"I said to my friend with an smug look on my face walking closer to Beatrice smiling slightly as I could see pride in her eyes and well like a 1000 bucks on her hands it seems like she bet on me she knew I was going win .
"You bet on me Bea " I told her smiling  grateful that she let me come back .
"You never lost never will" said my dear friend standing before me with a smile .
"Are you really back flames"
"Am back "
"Guys the legendary racer Flames is back" said Beatrice taking my hand up in the air like I just won the Olympics . I laughed slightly at their enthusiasm everyone cheered or raised a beer in my honor .
"Can I spend time with my girlfriend now or do I have to keep waiting Beatrice" said Dylan taking me by my waist and kissing me in front of everyone some whistled and others cheered as well. Beatrice just a scowled she kinda hates him because he was one of the reasons I left street racing .
"Well we got to go we have reservations at legends dinner " I told my friends as I took Dylan's hands and started leaving to his car leaving mine intact that baby was just for racing .
"You know Scar or would you prefer to you call Flames "
"You highness will do fine" I joked
"Well your highness , when you where out there was amazing it was just like if you teleported and I know it sounds insane but you where just so fast " said Dylan not looking away from the road . Which sent me thinking weird it did felt like it but I mean that's crazy it's impossible its bonkers or is it ?
"Your highness" said Dylan holding the door snapping me out my thoughts .
"I changed my mind I like princess more " I said getting out the car .
"Princess it is said Dylan linking my arm with his "
"Well aren't  you a gentleman" I said to him which caused him to smirk we entered the dinner wow it hasn't changed in a while the race car which legends raced all his life was in the dinner as a museum's most priced master piece. On the other part of the dinner was a bar with drunk and hormonal teenagers asking legends for more drinks he was scolding them for drinking to much and that they had to go home even though he owned a bar he was really responsible me and Dylan come closer to say hello.
"Oh hello scar am so happy you are back here you have grown so much " said legends he hasn't changed at all he still had blonde hair with his green eyes slim but muscular figure and a scar on his right eye that he got in an accident racing .
" legends is so nice to see you again I see you haven't changed the place at all " I said which caused him to warmly smile at us now the teens had left seen that this moment was personal .
"We just came back from a race uncle could you give us a table" said Dylan hugging his uncle.
"You are back from a race wonderful Scar am so happy Dylan meet you You are the type of girl who needs to fly who needs to feel free to be alive you have it in your eyes the fire in light that most of us lack you don't just exist you are unique my dear Scarlett you are extraordinary.
" flattery will get nowhere" said Dylan with a smile .
The three of us laughed .
"Anyways that table that I was talking you about"
"Am sorry but I can't give you a table am short on staff "
"If you want we can help Dylan can bartender and I can show people the restaurant and your most prided possession" I said gesturing towards his car , he laughed slightly .
"Are you sure I don't want to interfere with your date" said legends with a hint of hope in his eyes . Dylan looked at me apologetic which I just gave him a reassuring smile in return .
After a while we finished and Dylan took me home after legends gave us money for helping even though we told him it wasn't necessary he thought it was nonsense that it was the least he could do .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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