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Howddya like the last chappie?!
Good? Bad?!
I dun care. Have fun reading, BTW. In this school, they don't wear uniforms! Lucky lucky them. And also! I don't know how school works there so... I made the school just like how mine works here in the Philippines.

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon...😿

ON with story!


Izumi's POV

"Finally!" I said while walking out of the airport.
I've finally arrived...
I'm finally back home...
Guys, I wish to see you...

" 'Zumi! Come on! We still have to unpack and stuff!" Dad shouted. Mom was already in the van.

"Hai... Hai..." I said back, but in reality, I was ignoring him. I stretched my arms out and savored the fresh-but-not-so-fresh city air. How I missed the Japanese city air! I was really feeling the moment...

Until dad pulled me into the van.
Moment destroyer... *pout*

Kouji's POV (a few days later😃)

Sigh. That was.....

My I-don't-know-how-many sigh. Why was I sighing you ask? Well let's just say the first day of school didn't start off well. I was sitting in the back of the class and Kouichi, who was simply wearing a black V-neck shirt and a purple elbow-length-sleeved jacket, jeans and black and white converses, was next to me to the right. Right beside the window. I also have an empty seat to my left....

And tons of fangirls fighting over it.

I wonder, why I have so many fangirls? I mean seriously. Kouichi has some too, but its not even half of my fangirls and in my opinion, my twin has better looks than me. I said looking down at my blue elbow-length-sleeved T-shirt and skinny jeans and navy colored sneakers. I still wore the same bandana from when we went on our adventure.

"Get out of my way! I'm sitting with Kouji-kun!" Fangirl #1 said.

"No way slut! I'm sitting with him!" Fangirl #2 screeched.

Digimon Frontier 02: Darkness Returns [[DISCONTINUED]]Where stories live. Discover now